JavaScript Core API Reference

The application Object

The global application object contains read-only properties that allow a script to obtain information about the application it's executing in.

The following properties are available:


The name of the application. In EDGE, this is "macchina".


The date and time the application was started, as a DateTime object.


The time in seconds the application has been running, with millisecond accuracy. Therefore a floating-point number.


The application's configuration, as a Configuration object.

See the description of Configuration objects for more information.


var osName = application.config.getString('system.osName');


The application's logger object. This can be used to write log messages. Note that in EDGE, each bundle also has its own logger object, which should be preferred to the application's logger.

application.logger.information('Hello, world!');

See the description of Logger objects for more information.

The system Object

The global system object contains read-only properties that allow a script to obtain information about the environment it's executing in.

The following read-only properties and methods are available:


This property contains the name of the operating system, typically "Linux" or "Darwin" (macOS).


On platforms supported by EDGE, this is the same as osName.


The CPU architecture, e.g. "x86_64" or "armv7l".


The operating system version, e.g. "3.18.7+".


The computer's configured host name.


The Ethernet address of the first Ethernet adapter in the system, e.g. "3c:07:54:0d:6e:ef". Note that for systems with multiple adapters, the order of the adapters may not be fixed and thus the node ID may change after a reboot.


The number of CPU cores available on the system.


Returns the number of seconds (including fractional seconds) elapsed since system startup.


This function returns true if an environment variable with the given name exists.

get(name [, default])

Returns the value of the environment variable with the given name. If the environment variable does not exist and a default value is given, the default value is returned. Otherwise, an exception is thrown.


var username = system.get('LOGNAME');

set(name, value)

Sets the environment variable with the given name to the given value.


Executes the given shell command using the system's default shell. Returns the output of the command as a String object. The exit status of the command is available via the returned object's exitStatus property.


var files = system.exec('ls');

Note: be careful when passing strings obtained from HTML forms or other external inputs to system.exec() as command arguments. Always check such strings for validity before using their values to avoid potential command injection attacks.


Executes the given shell command using the system's default shell asynchronously, in a separate thread. Returns a Promise which resolves to the output of the command as a String object. The exit status of the command is available via the returned String object's exitStatus property.


system.execAsync('ls').then(result => console.log(result));

Note: be careful when passing strings obtained from HTML forms or other external inputs to system.execAsync() as command arguments. Always check such strings for validity before using their values to avoid potential command injection attacks.


Sleeps the current thread for the given period, in milliseconds.

The uri Object

The global uri object allows a script to load a string or Buffer from a URI. The URI can refer to a local file ("file://"), a bundle resource ("bndl://"), a HTTP(S) or FTP server, or data (e.g., "data:;base64,SGVsbG8sIFdvcmxkIQ%3D%3D"). It provides two methods, loadString() and loadBuffer().


Loads a string from the given URI. The retrieved content must be UTF-8 encoded text, otherwise the results of converting the content to a string may be undefined.


var page = uri.loadString(';


Loads a Buffer from the given URI. This can be used to retrieve binary data or non-UTF8 text from a resource.


var page = uri.loadBuffer('');


Loads a string from the given URI asynchronously, in a separate thread. The retrieved content must be UTF-8 encoded text, otherwise the results of converting the content to a string may be undefined. Returns a Promise which will resolve to the returned string.


Loads a Buffer from the given URI asynchronously, in a separate thread. This can be used to retrieve binary data or non-UTF8 text from a resource. Returns a Promise which will resolve to the returned Buffer.

The console Object

The global console object allows a script to write diagnostic output using the application's logging infrastructure. It provides similar methods to the console object available in most web browsers. A script's console object is always connected to its bundle's logger. The following methods are supported:


Outputs a stack trace to the bundle's logger using debug log level.

assert(condition, message [, arg]...)

Writes an error-level log message, as well as a debug-level stack trace to the bundle's logger if the given condition evaluates to false. The message can contain formatting specifiers. See the Logger object for more information.

debug(message [, arg]...)

Writes a debug-level log message to the bundle's logger. The message can contain formatting specifiers. See the Logger object for more information.

log(message [, arg]...)

Writes an information-level log message to the bundle's logger. The message can contain formatting specifiers. See the Logger object for more information.

info(message [, arg]...)

Writes an information-level log message to the bundle's logger. The message can contain formatting specifiers. See the Logger object for more information.

warn(message [, arg]...)

Writes an warning-level log message to the bundle's logger. The message can contain formatting specifiers. See the Logger object for more information.

error(message [, arg]...)

Writes an error-level log message to the bundle's logger. The message can contain formatting specifiers. See the Logger object for more information.

dump(message, object [, level])

Dumps an object (or Buffer) to the bundle's logger. If the given object is a Buffer, a hex dump of its contents will be written. Otherwise, a pretty-printed JSON representation (JSON.stringify()) of the object will be written. If no log level is specified, debug log level will be used.

Configuration Objects

Configuration objects provide access to the configuration mechanism provided by the POCO Util library and are used for application configuration, bundle properties, etc. The following methods are supported:

getInt(key [, default])

Returns the configuration value for the given key as integer. If a default value is specified, the default value is returned if the configuration key has not been found. An exception is thrown if the key cannot be found and no default value is given, or if the configuration value is not a valid integer.

getDouble(key [, default])

Returns the configuration value for the given key as floating-point number. If a default value is specified, the default value is returned if the configuration key has not been found. An exception is thrown if the key cannot be found and no default value is given, or if the configuration value is not a valid floating-point number.

getBool(key [, default])

Returns the configuration value for the given key as boolean. If a default value is specified, the default value is returned if the configuration key has not been found. An exception is thrown if the key cannot be found and no default value is given, or if the configuration value is not a boolean (true/false).

getString(key [, default])

Returns the configuration value for the given key as string. If a default value is specified, the default value is returned if the configuration key has not been found. An exception is thrown if the key cannot be found and no default value is given.

getObject(key [, default])

Returns the configuration value for the given key as object. If a default value is specified, the default value is returned if the configuration key has not been found. The configuration value must be valid JSON. An exception is thrown if the key cannot be found and no default value is given, or if the configuration value is not valid JSON.


Returns true if the given configuration key exists, otherwise false.

set(key, value)

Sets the configuration value for the given key. Value can be a string, integer, floating-point number, boolean or any object that can be JSON-formatted with JSON.stringify(). An exception is thrown if setting the value for the given key fails (e.g., because the configuration is read-only).


Returns an array containing all subkeys of the given key, or root-level keys if no or an empty key is given.

Logger Objects

Logger objects are used to write diagnostic or log messages to a logger. A JavaScript Logger object is always connected to a Logger object from the POCO C++ Libraries. JavaScript scripts in EDGE have access to two Logger objects. The global application logger, via the application.logger object, and a bundle-specific logger, via the logger object.


var i = 42;
logger.information('The answer to live, the universe and everything: ', i);

Creating Logger Objects

In addition to the bundle-specific and application-global logger objects available through the logger and application.logger variables, a script can use the Logger constructor to use other logger instances.

Logger(name [, configuration [, reconfigure]])

Creates a new Logger object, using a logger with the given name obtained from the POCO C++ Libraries logging framework. If a logger with the given name does not exist, a new logger instance is created. Note that the underlying logger instances are shared application-wide.

If a new logger instance is created, the given configuration object is used to configure the logger. If reconfigure is true (default is false), the configuration is also applied to an already existing logger. Otherwise, the configuration is ignored and the configuration of an already existing logger is not changed. The reconfigure option should be used judiciously, as reconfiguring an existing logger instance used by other parts of the application may interfere with the workings of the application.

The configuration object can have the following properties:

  • level: specifies the log level; see Log Levels below.
  • pattern: format pattern; if specified, a FormattingChannel with a PatternFormatter is created for the logger. See Format Pattern below for the format of the pattern.
  • channel: either a string containing the name of a globally configured logging channel (through the application's configuration files), or an object containing properties for creating and configuring a new channel. See Channel Configuration below.

Log Levels

The level can either be an integer from 1 to 8, where 1 corresponds to fatal error message and 8 corresponds to a trace message, or it can be one of the following strings, representing a priority:

  • fatal (1)
  • critical (2)
  • error (3)
  • warning (4)
  • notice (5)
  • information (6)
  • debug (7)
  • trace (8)

Numerical log levels are also available as properties of the Logger constructor, named FATAL, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFORMATION, DEBUG and TRACE.

The log level for an entire hierarchy of loggers can be changed with:

Logger.setLevel([logger, ]level);

where logger is the name of the logger and level is either a string representing a log level or a numeric log level (1 - 8).

It's also possible to specify only the level as a single argument. In this case, the log level for all loggers is changed.

Format Pattern

The format pattern is used as a template to format the message and is copied character by character except for the following special characters, which are replaced by the corresponding value.

  • %s - message source
  • %t - message text
  • %l - message priority level (1 .. 7)
  • %p - message priority (Fatal, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Information, Debug, Trace)
  • %q - abbreviated message priority (F, C, E, W, N, I, D, T)
  • %P - message process identifier
  • %T - message thread name
  • %I - message thread identifier (numeric)
  • %N - node or host name
  • %U - message source file path (empty string if not set)
  • %u - message source line number (0 if not set)
  • %w - message date/time abbreviated weekday (Mon, Tue, ...)
  • %W - message date/time full weekday (Monday, Tuesday, ...)
  • %b - message date/time abbreviated month (Jan, Feb, ...)
  • %B - message date/time full month (January, February, ...)
  • %d - message date/time zero-padded day of month (01 .. 31)
  • %e - message date/time day of month (1 .. 31)
  • %f - message date/time space-padded day of month ( 1 .. 31)
  • %m - message date/time zero-padded month (01 .. 12)
  • %n - message date/time month (1 .. 12)
  • %o - message date/time space-padded month ( 1 .. 12)
  • %y - message date/time year without century (70)
  • %Y - message date/time year with century (1970)
  • %H - message date/time hour (00 .. 23)
  • %h - message date/time hour (00 .. 12)
  • %a - message date/time am/pm
  • %A - message date/time AM/PM
  • %M - message date/time minute (00 .. 59)
  • %S - message date/time second (00 .. 59)
  • %i - message date/time millisecond (000 .. 999)
  • %c - message date/time centisecond (0 .. 9)
  • %F - message date/time fractional seconds/microseconds (000000 - 999999)
  • %z - time zone differential in ISO 8601 format (Z or +NN.NN)
  • %Z - time zone differential in RFC format (GMT or +NNNN)
  • %L - convert time to local time (must be specified before any date/time specifier; does not itself output anything)
  • %E - epoch time (UTC, seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970)
  • %v[width] - the message source (%s) but text length is padded/cropped to 'width'
  • %[name] - the value of the message parameter with the given name
  • %% - percent sign

Channel Configuration

Logging channels can be configured using a configuration object containing channel-specific properties. The class property specifies the class name of the channel, and can be one of the standard channel classes supported by the POCO C++ Libraries, as well as the name of any custom channel registered with the logging framework. The supported channel class names are:

Any other properties of the configuration object are passed directly to the newly created channel, and are specific to the respective channel. See the documentation of the respective logging channel (Poco::Channel) subclass for supported configuration properties.


var testLogger = new Logger('TestLogger', {
    level: 'debug',
    pattern: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%i [%p] %s<%I>: %t',
    channel: {
        class: 'FileChannel',
        path: 'test.log'

Checking for Logger Objects

The Logger.isLogger() function can be used to check whether a given object is a Logger object.


Returns true if the given object is a Logger object, otherwise false.

Getting the Names of All Defined Loggers

The names of all defined loggers cat be obtained as an Array by calling Logger.names().


Returns an array containing the names of all defined loggers.

Logger Properties

The following properties are available:


The level property can be used to query or change the log level of a Logger. The current log level is returned as integer value. To change the level, the property can be set to an integer value (1 - 8) or a string value representing a log level. See Log Levels above for valid values.


The read-only name property gives the name of the logger instance as a string.

Logger Methods

The following methods are available:

trace(message [, arg]...)

Writes a trace log message. Trace log messages have the lowest priority. The message can contain formatting specifiers.

debug(message [, arg]...)

Writes a debug log message. The message can contain formatting specifiers.

information(message [, arg]...)

Writes an informational log message. The message can contain formatting specifiers.

notice(message [, arg]...)

Writes a notice log message. The message can contain formatting specifiers.

warning(message [, arg]...)

Writes a warning log message. The message can contain formatting specifiers.

error(message [, arg]...)

Writes an error log message. The message can contain formatting specifiers.

critical(message [, arg]...)

Writes a critical error log message. The message can contain formatting specifiers.

fatal(message [, arg]...)

Writes a fatal error log message. Fatal log messages have the highest priority. The message can contain formatting specifiers.

log(priority, message [, arg]...)

Writes a log message with the specified priority or log level. The log level can either be an integer from 1 to 8, where 1 corresponds to fatal error message and 8 corresponds to a trace message, or it can be one of the following strings, representing a priority:

  • fatal (1)
  • critical (2)
  • error (3)
  • warning (4)
  • notice (5)
  • information (6)
  • debug (7)
  • trace (8)

Numerical log levels are also available as properties of the Logger constructor, named FATAL, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFORMATION, DEBUG and TRACE.

The message can contain formatting specifiers.


logger.log(7, "A debug message");
logger.log('error', 'An error message');
logger.log(Logger.WARNING, 'A warning message');

dump(message, object [, level])

Dumps an object (or Buffer) to the bundle's logger. If the given object is a Buffer, a hex dump of its contents will be written. Otherwise, a pretty-printed JSON representation (JSON.stringify()) of the object will be written. If no log level is specified, debug log level will be used.

Message Formatting

The first message argument in a logging method can contain formatting specifiers. Additional arguments are formatted according to these specifiers. If more arguments than formatting specifiers are present, the remaining arguments are simply appended to the log message.

The following formatting specifiers are supported:

  • %d, %i: The argument is formatted as an integer.
  • %f: The argument is formatted as a floating-point number.
  • %s: The argument is formatted as a string.
  • %o: The argument is formatted with JSON.stringify().
  • %O: The argument is formatted with JSON.stringify(), using indentation.

If the type of the argument does not match the formatting specifier, a simple string representation of the object is output instead.


logger.information('The answer to %s, the %s and everything: %d', 'live', 'universe', 42);

Timeouts and Intervals EDGE supports the setTimeout() and setInterval() functions known from browser-based JavaScript, as well as setImmediate() known from node.js.

setTimeout(function [, milliseconds [, arg]...])

To execute a function after a given time period, use the setTimeout() function.


    function() {

Any additional arguments passed after the milliseconds will be passed to the callback function. If no milliseconds argument is given, the default is 0, which is equivalent to calling setImmediate().

setInterval(function [, milliseconds [, arg]...])

To execute a function periodically in a specific interval (given in milliseconds), use the setInterval() function. If no milliseconds parameter is given, the default is 4 milliseconds.


    function() {

Example (with argument to callback):

    function(arg) {
        logger.information('Timeout! ' + arg);

setImmediate(function [, arg]...)

To schedule a function for execution as soon as the current script or callback function finishes, use the setImmediate() function.


    function() {

Any additional arguments passed after the function will be passed to the callback function. setImmediate() is equivalent to calling setTimeout() with 0 milliseconds.

setTimeout(), setInterval() and setImmediate() return a timer object which exposes a boolean property named cancelled, as well as a cancel() method to cancel an active timer.


var count = 0;
var timer = setInterval(
    function() {
        logger.information('Timeout ', count);
        if (count == 3)

Note: Since JavaScript execution is single threaded per script, timer callback functions will only run when the script is idle and not currently executing any code.

For compatibility with Browser-based JavaScript and node.js, EDGE also provides clearTimeout(), clearInterval() and clearImmediate().


Cancels the given timeout, which must be an object returned from setTimeout().


Cancels the given interval, which must be an object returned from setInterval().


Cancels the given immediate, which must be an object returned from setImmediate().

DateTime and LocalDateTime Objects

DateTime and LocalDateTime objects are similar to JavaScript Date objects, however they provide a few more capabilities, including better support for formatting.

DateTime is UTC-based, while LocalDateTime is based on the system's local time zone.

Creating DateTime and LocalDateTime Objects

DateTime and LocalDateTime objects can be created by using their respective constructor functions, passing a variable number of arguments:

  • No arguments: a DateTime/LocalDateTime object for the current system time is created.
  • A single string argument: the date and time is parsed from the given string, which must contain a date and time in one of the standard representations: asctime, HTTP, ISO 8601, various RFC formats or sortable format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
  • Two string arguments: the date and time is parsed from the first string, using the format given in the second string. See the Poco::DateTimeFormatter class for a description of the format string.
  • A JavaScript Date object: date and time are taken from that object.
  • A number representing Julian date.
  • Three to six numbers: year, month, day, and optional hour, minute, second. Second may contain fractional seconds.


var dt1 = new DateTime('2015-03-09 11:55:33'); var dt2 = new DateTime(2015, 3, 9, 11, 55, 33);

Checking for DateTime and LocalDateTime Objects

The DateTime.isDateTime() and LocalDateTime.isLocalDateTime() functions can be used to check whether a given object is a DateTime, or LocalDateTime, respectively, object.


Returns true if the given object is a DateTime object, otherwise false.


Returns true if the given object is a LocalDateTime object, otherwise false.

DateTime and LocalDateTime Properties

The following properties are supported by DateTime and LocalDateTime.


Returns the year, e.g. 2015.


Returns the month, range 1 to 12.


Returns the day, range 1 to 31.


Returns the hour, range 0 to 23.


Returns the hour, range 0 to 12

am and pm

Returns true or false, indicating whether the hour reported by hour12 is AM or PM.


Returns the minute, range 0 to 59.


Returns the second, range 0 to 59.


Returns the weekday (0 to 6, where 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, ..., 6 = Saturday).


Returns the number of the day in the year. January 1 is 1, February 1 is 32, etc.


Returns the julian day as a number. The fractional part represents the time.


Returns the number of microseconds between January 1, 1970 and the date/time in the DateTime/LocalDateTime object.


Returns the number of seconds between January 1, 1970 and the date/time in the DateTime/LocalDateTime object.


Supported by LocalDateTime only. Returns the time zone differential, which is the number of seconds between UTC and the system's local time.

DateTime and LocalDateTime Methods

The following methods are supported by DateTime and LocalDateTime.

daysOfMonth([year [, month]])

Returns the number of days in the specified month (1 to 12). If no date or year is given, the year and date from the DateTime/LocalDateTime object are used.


Returns true if the given year (or the year in the DateTime/LocalDateTime object) is a leap year, otherwise false.


Adds the given number of seconds to the DateTime/LocalDateTime.


Adds the given number of hours to the DateTime/LocalDateTime.


Adds the given number of days to the DateTime/LocalDateTime.


Supported by LocalDateTime only. Returns a DateTime object corresponding to the date/time in UTC.


Supported by DateTime only. Returns a LocalDateTime object corresponding to the date/time in the system's timezone.

format([format]) and toString([format])

Convert the DateTime/LocalDateTime to a string, using a format string. If no format string is given, uses ISO 8601 format.

See the Poco::DateTimeFormatter class for a description of the format string.

Instead of format placeholders, the format string can also be one of the following fixed strings for standard formats:

  • "sortable": 2015-01-03 12:00:00
  • "iso8601frac": 2015-01-03T12:00:00.000000+01:00
  • "iso8601": 2015-01-03T12:00:00+01:00
  • "asctime": Sat Jan 3 12:00:00 2015
  • "http": Sat, 03 Jan 2015 12:00:00 +0100
  • "rfc1036": Saturday, 3 Jan 15 12:00:00 +0100
  • "rfc1123": Sat, 3 Jan 2015 12:00:00 +0100
  • "rfc850": Saturday, 3-Jan-15 12:00:00 +0100
  • "rfc822": Sat, 3 Jan 15 12:00:00 +0100


Returns a JavaScript Date object for the stored date/time.

Buffer Objects

Buffer objects are used to work efficiently with binary data in JavaScript. Standard (browser-based) JavaScript has no efficient way for handling binary data. EDGE provides Buffer objects to handle continuous blocks of memory containing arbitrary (binary) data.

A Buffer object contains a variable-size, continuous block of memory, located on the (C++) heap. The size of the block can change during the lifetime of a Buffer object. In order to avoid frequent resizing and re-allocation of the memory block, the Buffer object differentiates between the physical and logical size of the block. The physical size, or capacity, of the block is the number of bytes actually allocated on the heap. The logical size, or length, is the number of bytes in use. The length is therefore always smaller than or equal to the capacity. The capacity of a Buffer can be 0 — in this case no heap memory will be allocated (and consequently, the Buffer cannot contain any data). Both capacity and length of a Buffer can change during the lifetime of a Buffer object.

The contents of a Buffer can be accessed via indexed properties. In this regard, a Buffer provides an interface very similar to a JavaScript array. Each byte in the buffer can be addressed by its offset from the beginning of the Buffer's memory block. Buffer objects also support the methods concat(), slice(), push() and pop() known from JavaScript Array.

For debugging purposes, the contents of a Buffer can be written to the application log as a hex dump, using logger.dump() or console.dump().

Creating Buffer Objects

A Buffer object can be created empty, from a JavaScript Array (containing byte values), from a JavaScript String, or from (a part of) another Buffer. The Buffer() constructor can be used to create a Buffer object.


Creates an empty, zero-capacity (and zero-size) Buffer. No memory for the buffer's content will be allocated.


Creates an empty (zero-size) Buffer with the given capacity in bytes. A block of memory with size given in capacity will be allocated.

Buffer(string [, encoding])

Creates a Buffer from the given string. The (optional) encoding parameter specifies how the contents of the string will be store in the buffer:

  • Buffer.BASE64: The string contains binary data encoded using Base64 encoding. The Base64 data will be decoded and the raw binary data will be stored in the Buffer. This is the default if no encoding is given.
  • Buffer.BASE64URL: Same as Buffer.BASE64, but Base64URL encoding will be used.
  • Buffer.HEXBIN: The string contains binary data encoded as a sequence of hexadecimal byte values.
  • Buffer.UTF8: The string will be stored in the Buffer using UTF-8 encoding.
  • Buffer.UTF16: The string will be stored in the Buffer using UTF-16 encoding (in the hosts native byte order).
  • Buffer.ASCII: The string will be stored in the Buffer using ASCII encoding.

In addition to the above values, encoding can also be a string containing the name of one of the text encodings supported by the POCO C++ Libraries:

  • "UTF-8", "UTF8"
  • "UTF-16", "UTF16"
  • "UTF-32", "UTF32"
  • "ISO-8859-1", "Latin-1", "Latin1"
  • "ISO-8859-2", "Latin-2", "Latin2"
  • "ISO-8859-15", "Latin-9", "Latin9"
  • "Windows-1250", "windows-1250", "cp1250", "CP1250"
  • "Windows-1251", "windows-1251", "cp1251", "CP1251"
  • "Windows-1252", "windows-1252", "cp1252", "CP1252"

If any additional text encodings have been registered using Poco::TextEncoding::add(), these can be used as well.


Creates a buffer from a JavaScript Array containing byte values.

Buffer(buffer [, begin [, end]])

Creates a buffer by copying the contents of another buffer. An optional range can be given, with begin specifying the offset of the first byte to copy and end specifying the offset of the byte following the last byte to copy.


var newBuffer = new Buffer(buffer, 0, buffer.length);

will copy the entire buffer, while

var newBuffer = new Buffer(buffer, 2, 4);

will copy two bytes, starting at offset 2.

The given offsets can also be negative, meaning relative to the length of the Buffer.


var newBuffer = new Buffer(buffer, -2, buffer.length);

will copy the last two bytes of the Buffer.

Checking for Buffer Objects

The Buffer.isBuffer() function can be used to check whether a given object is a Buffer object.


Returns true if the given object is a Buffer object, otherwise false.

Packing and Unpacking Structured Data

Buffer objects support packing and unpacking of structured data via the pack() and unpack() methods. The interface of these objects, specifically the format string, follows the struct.pack() and struct.unpack() functions known from the Python programming language. However, one important difference is that Buffer's pack() and unpack() do not support automatic alignment of values.

pack() and unpack() are controlled via a format string.

Format String

A format string begins with an optional byte order specifier. The following specifiers are supported:

  • "=" - host's native byte order (default)
  • "<" - little endian byte order
  • ">" - big endian byte order
  • "!" - network byte order (big endian)

The byte order specifier is followed by one or more type specifiers. A type specifier can be preceded by an optional repeat count. For atomic types, the repeat count specifies the number of values that will be packed according to the following type specifier. For strings ("c" and "s"), the repeat count specifies the number of bytes reserved for the packed string. If a string exceeds the given length, it will be truncated. Unused bytes will be zero-filled.

Whitespace characters (Space, TAB, CR, LF) in the format string are ignored. However, there must not be a whitespace character between length and type specifier.

The following type specifiers are supported:

Specifier    Native C/C++ Type              Size    Notes
x            -                              1       Padding Byte (set to 0 in pack())
c, s         char[repeat]                   repeat  UTF-8 encoded
b            int8_t (signed char)           1
B            uint8_t (unsigned char)        1
?            bool                           1       0 = false, 1 = true
h            int16_t (short)                2
H            uint16_t (unsigned short)      2
i, l         int32_t (int)                  4
I, L         uint32_t (unsigned)            4
q            int64_t (long long)            8
Q            uint64_t (unsigned long long)  8
f            float                          4
d            double                         8

Buffer Properties

Buffer objects support the following properties:

length (r/w)

The length of the buffer, in terms of actually used bytes (as opposed to the capacity). Can be changed dynamically; existing contents will be preserved, but may be truncated.

capacity (r/w)

The capacity of the buffer in bytes, or how much memory is allocated. Can be changed dynamically; existing contents will be preserved, but may be truncated.

Buffer Methods

Buffer objects support the following methods:


Appends the contents of the given Buffer to this Buffer. Capacity and length of the Buffer will be adjusted as necessary.

slice([begin [, end]])

Creates a new Buffer by copying the contents of an existing Buffer. An optional range can be given, with begin specifying the offset of the first byte to copy and end specifying the offset of the byte following the last byte to copy.


Appends a single byte to the Buffer. The given byte value must be an integer in range 0 - 255. Length will be incremented. Capacity will be adjusted if necessary (implying a re-allocation of the buffer).


Returns and removes the last byte in the buffer. The length of the buffer will be decremented by one.


Returns a String containing the Base64-encoded content of the Buffer. An optional line length for the Base64 data can be given. If no line length, or a zero line length is given, there will be no line breaks in the Base64 data. For best interoperability, a line length of 72 should be used if Base64 data is to be sent over a network or otherwise exchanged with other parties.


Decodes the given Base64-encoded string and stores the resulting data in the buffer.


Returns a String containing the Base64URL-encoded and unpadded content of the Buffer.


Decodes the given Base64URL-encoded string and stores the resulting data in the buffer.


Returns a String containing the data encoded as a sequence of 2-digit hexadecimal byte values. An optional line length can be specified, which causes a newline character to be inserted after the specified number.


Decodes the given HexBinary-encoded string and stores the resulting data in the buffer.


Returns a JavaScript String from the contents of the buffer, assuming the given encoding, or UTF-8 if no encoding is given. See the Buffer constructor documentation for a list of supported encodings.

encodeString(string [, encoding])

Encodes the given JavaScript string and stores the result in the Buffer, using the given encoding, or UTF-8 if no encoding is given. See the Buffer constructor documentation for a list of supported encodings. Note that the default encoding (UTF-8) is different from the Buffer constructor (Base64).

pack(format, array)

Packs the values in the given array into the buffer, using the byte order and types found in the format string.


buffer.pack('!4BH', {192, 168, 1, 2, 8080});

This will fill the buffer with the following content:

Offset   Byte
0        192
1        168
2        1
3        2
4        31
5        144


Unpacks values from the buffer according to the byte order and types found in the format string. Returns an Array containing the unpacked values.


var buffer = new Buffer({192, 168, 1, 2, 31, 44});
var values = buffer.unpack('!4BH'); // {192, 168, 1, 2, 8080}

writeUInt8(value [, offset])

Writes an 8-bit unsigned integer to the given offset in the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient size. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. If the given value cannot be represented in the target type, the results are undefined. Returns offset + 1.

writeInt8(value [, offset])

Writes an 8-bit signed integer to the given offset in the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient size. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. If the given value cannot be represented in the target type, the results are undefined. Returns offset + 1.

writeUInt16LE(value [, offset])

Writes an 16-bit unsigned integer in little-endian byte order to the given offset in the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient size. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. If the given value cannot be represented in the target type, the results are undefined. Returns offset + 2.

writeInt16LE(value [, offset])

Writes an 16-bit signed integer in little-endian byte order to the given offset in the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient size. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. If the given value cannot be represented in the target type, the results are undefined. Returns offset + 2.

writeUInt16BE(value [, offset])

Writes an 16-bit unsigned integer in big-endian byte order to the given offset in the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient size. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. If the given value cannot be represented in the target type, the results are undefined. Returns offset + 2.

writeInt16BE(value [, offset])

Writes an 16-bit signed integer in big-endian byte order to the given offset in the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient size. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. If the given value cannot be represented in the target type, the results are undefined. Returns offset + 2.

writeUInt32LE(value [, offset])

Writes an 32-bit unsigned integer in little-endian byte order to the given offset in the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient size. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. If the given value cannot be represented in the target type, the results are undefined. Returns offset + 4.

writeInt32LE(value [, offset])

Writes an 32-bit signed integer in little-endian byte order to the given offset in the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient size. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. If the given value cannot be represented in the target type, the results are undefined. Returns offset + 4.

writeUInt32BE(value [, offset])

Writes an 32-bit unsigned integer in big-endian byte order to the given offset in the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient size. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. If the given value cannot be represented in the target type, the results are undefined. Returns offset + 4.

writeInt32BE(value [, offset])

Writes an 32-bit signed integer in big-endian byte order to the given offset in the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient size. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. If the given value cannot be represented in the target type, the results are undefined. Returns offset + 4.

writeUInt64LE(value [, offset])

Writes an 64-bit unsigned integer in little-endian byte order to the given offset in the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient size. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. If the given value cannot be represented in the target type, the results are undefined. Note that not all 64-bit integers can be represented by the JavaScript Number type. BigInt values can be used instead. Returns offset + 8.

writeInt64E(value [, offset])

Writes an 64-bit signed integer in little-endian byte order to the given offset in the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient size. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. If the given value cannot be represented in the target type, the results are undefined. Note that not all 64-bit integers can be represented by the JavaScript Number type. BigInt values can be used instead. Returns offset + 8.

writeUInt64BE(value [, offset])

Writes an 64-bit unsigned integer in big-endian byte order to the given offset in the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient size. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. If the given value cannot be represented in the target type, the results are undefined. Note that not all 64-bit integers can be represented by the JavaScript Number type. BigInt values can be used instead. Returns offset + 8.

writeInt64BE(value [, offset])

Writes an 64-bit signed integer in big-endian byte order to the given offset in the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient size. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. If the given value cannot be represented in the target type, the results are undefined. Note that not all 64-bit integers can be represented by the JavaScript Number type. BigInt values can be used instead. Returns offset + 8.

writeFloatLE(value [, offset])

Writes a 32-bit floating-point number in little-endian byte order to the given offset in the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient size. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. If the given value cannot be represented in the target type, the results are undefined. Returns offset + 4.

writeFloatBE(value [, offset])

Writes a 32-bit floating-point number in big-endian byte order to the given offset in the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient size. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. If the given value cannot be represented in the target type, the results are undefined. Returns offset + 4.

writeDoubleLE(value [, offset])

Writes a 64-bit floating-point number in little-endian byte order to the given offset in the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient size. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. If the given value cannot be represented in the target type, the results are undefined. Returns offset + 4.

writeDoubleBE(value [, offset])

Writes a 64-bit floating-point number in big-endian byte order to the given offset in the buffer. The buffer must have sufficient size. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. If the given value cannot be represented in the target type, the results are undefined. Returns offset + 4.


Reads an 8-bit unsigned integer from the buffer at the given offset. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. Returns the read number, or undefined if offset is out of bounds.


Reads an 8-bit signed integer from the buffer at the given offset. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. Returns the read number, or undefined if offset is out of bounds.


Reads an 16-bit unsigned integer in little-endian byte order from the buffer at the given offset. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. Returns the read number, or undefined if offset is out of bounds.


Reads an 16-bit signed integer in little-endian byte order from the buffer at the given offset. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. Returns the read number, or undefined if offset is out of bounds.


Reads an 16-bit unsigned integer in big-endian byte order from the buffer at the given offset. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. Returns the read number, or undefined if offset is out of bounds.


Reads an 16-bit signed integer in big-endian byte order from the buffer at the given offset. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. Returns the read number, or undefined if offset is out of bounds.


Reads an 32-bit unsigned integer in little-endian byte order from the buffer at the given offset. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. Returns the read number, or undefined if offset is out of bounds.


Reads an 32-bit signed integer in little-endian byte order from the buffer at the given offset. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. Returns the read number, or undefined if offset is out of bounds.


Reads an 32-bit unsigned integer in big-endian byte order from the buffer at the given offset. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. Returns the read number, or undefined if offset is out of bounds.


Reads an 32-bit signed integer in big-endian byte order from the buffer at the given offset. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. Returns the read number, or undefined if offset is out of bounds.


Reads an 64-bit unsigned integer in little-endian byte order from the buffer at the given offset. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. Returns the read number as a BigInt, or undefined if offset is out of bounds.


Reads an 64-bit signed integer in little-endian byte order from the buffer at the given offset. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. Returns the read number as a BigInt, or undefined if offset is out of bounds.


Reads an 64-bit unsigned integer in big-endian byte order from the buffer at the given offset. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. Returns the read number as a BigInt, or undefined if offset is out of bounds.


Reads an 64-bit signed integer in big-endian byte order from the buffer at the given offset. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. Returns the read number as a BigInt, or undefined if offset is out of bounds.


Reads a 32-bit floating point number in little-endian byte order from the buffer at the given offset. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. Returns the read number, or undefined if offset is out of bounds.


Reads a 32-bit floating point number in big-endian byte order from the buffer at the given offset. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. Returns the read number, or undefined if offset is out of bounds.


Reads a 64-bit floating point number in little-endian byte order from the buffer at the given offset. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. Returns the read number, or undefined if offset is out of bounds.


Reads a 64-bit floating point number in big-endian byte order from the buffer at the given offset. If offset is not given, it defaults to 0. Returns the read number, or undefined if offset is out of bounds.

UUID Objects

A universally unique identifier (UUID) is a 128-bit number used to identify information. A UUID can be used for multiple purposes, from tagging objects with an extremely short lifetime, to reliably identifying very persistent objects across a network.

Creating UUIDs

UUID objects can be created by calling the UUID constructor function. The function takes an optional argument, which is an UUID in string representation or, alternatively, a Buffer object with a size of exactly 16 bytes. If no argument is given, a null UUID ("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") is created. If a stringified UUID is given as argument, the stringified UUID is parsed.

New UUID values can be created with the following functions:


Creates and returns either a time-based UUID (if the system has a MAC address), or a random UUID otherwise.


Creates and returns a random UUID.


Creates and returns a time-based UUID.

Checking for UUID Objects

The UUID.isUUID() method can be used to check whether a given object is a UUID.


Returns true if the given object is a UUID object, otherwise false.

UUID Properties


Returns the UUID version as a number. The following values can be returned:

  • 1: identifies a time-based UUID
  • 2: identifies a DCE UUID
  • 3: identifies a name-based UUID (MD5)
  • 4: identifies a random UUID
  • 5: identifies a name-based UUID (SHA1)


Returns the UUID variant number. The following values can be returned:

  • 0: reserved for NCS backward compatibility
  • 2: the Leach-Salz variant (used by this implementation)
  • 6: reserved, Microsoft Corporation backward compatibility
  • 7: reserved for future definition

UUID Methods


Returns a string representation of the UUID in the form "2d4c2edb-aa55-4a5f-9112-51ecc594082f", i.e. using lowercase characters.


Returns a Buffer object with a size of 16 bytes containing the UUID raw bytes.


Compares the UUID with another one given as argument. Returns true if both UUIDs are equal, false if they differ and undefined if the argument is no valid UUID object.


Returns true if the UUID is a null UUID ("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000").

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