JavaScript Bundles and Services API Reference

The bundleContext Object

The global bundleContext object gives a script (including servlet or server page) access to its bundle environment.

bundleContext Properties

The bundleContext object has the following read-only properties:


Returns the bundle object for the bundle containing the current script.


The path to the script bundle's directory for storing temporary data. This directory is cleared whenever the bundle stops.


The path to the script bundle's directory for storing persistent data.

bundleContext Methods

The bundleContext object has the following methods:


Returns the bundle object for the bundle with the given symbolic name or numeric ID, or null if no such bundle exists.


Returns an array with bundle objects for all bundles known to the application.

The bundle Object

The global bundle object gives a script (including servlet or server page) access to some properties of its bundle.

bundle Properties

The bundle object has the following read-only properties:


The name of the bundle.


The symbolic name of the bundle.


The version of the bundle.


The vendor of the bundle.


The copyright notice of the bundle.


The path of the bundle.


The run level of the bundle.


The state of the bundle as string. Possible values are:

  • installed
  • uninstalled
  • resolved
  • starting
  • active
  • stopping


Returns true if the bundle is active, otherwise false.


The bundle's lazyStart flag (boolean).


The bundle's sealed flag (boolean).


The bundle's preventUninstall flag (boolean).


An array containing the names and version ranges of all bundles required by this bundle. The returned array contains objects with the following properties:

  • symbolicName - symbolic name of the required bundle
  • versions - required version range


An array containing the names and version ranges of all modules required by this bundle. The returned array contains objects with the following properties:

  • symbolicName - symbolic name of the required module
  • versions - required version range


An array containing the names and version numbers of all modules provided by this bundle. The returned array contains objects with the following properties:

  • symbolicName - symbolic name of the provided module
  • version - provided module version

temporaryDirectory (deprecated)

The path to the bundle's directory for storing temporary data. This directory is cleared whenever the bundle stops.

This property has been deprecated. Use bundleContext.temporaryDirectory instead.

persistentDirectory (deprecated)

The path to the bundle's directory for storing persistent data.

This property has been deprecated. Use bundleContext.persistentDirectory instead.


A Configuration object for accessing the bundle's properties defined in the bundles' "" file. This is only available in the global, own bundle object.

bundle Methods

The bundle object has the following methods:


Returns a string containing the contents of the file stored in the bundle with the given path. Will only work for files containing text, as the contents of the file are stored in a string.


Returns a Buffer containing the contents of the file stored in the bundle with the given path.

getLocalizedResourceString(path [, language])

Returns a string containing the contents of the localized file stored in the bundle with the given path. Will only work for files containing text, as the contents of the file are stored in a string. An optional RFC 1766 language tag string (e.g., "en-US") can be specified. See the Poco::OSP::LanguageTag class for more information.

getLocalizedResourceBuffer(path [, language])

Returns a Buffer containing the contents of the localized file stored in the bundle with the given path. An optional RFC 1766 language tag string (e.g., "en-US") can be specified. See the Poco::OSP::LanguageTag class for more information.


Returns true if this and the bundle object given in the argument refer to the same bundle, otherwise false.

The serviceRegistry Object

The global serviceRegistry object gives access to the OSP Service Registry. In EDGE, all sensors and devices are available as services through the service registry.

serviceRegistry Methods

The serviceRegistry object supports the following methods:


Looks up the service with the properties specified in the query. Returns an array of ServiceRef objects containing references to all services matching the query.

To obtain the actual service object, the instance() method of the corresponding ServiceRef object must be called.

The query language is similar to JavaScript or C++ expressions and supports comparison (==, !=, <, <=, >, >=), regular expression matching (=~) and logical and/or operations (&&, ||). Subexpressions can be grouped with parenthesis. The data types string, integer, float and boolean are supported. The simplified syntax for the query language is given in the following.

expr          ::= andExpr ["||" andExpr]
andExpr       ::= relExpr ["&&" relExpr]
relExpr       ::= ["!"] (id [relOp value | "=~" matchExpr]) | subExpr
subExpr       ::= "(" expr ")"
relOp         ::= "==" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">="
value         ::= numLiteral | boolLiteral | stringLiteral
numLiteral    ::= [sign] digit*"."digit*["E"["+" | "-"]digit*]
boolLiteral   ::= "true" | "false"
stringLiteral ::= '"' char* '"'
matchExpr     ::= stringLiteral | regExpr
regExpr       ::= delim char+ delim /* valid Perl regular expression,
                                       enclosed in delim */
delim         ::= "/" | "#"

Examples for valid queries are given in the following:

  • name == "com.appinf.osp.sample.service" — a simple string comparison for equality.
  • majorVersion > 1 && minorVersion >= 5 — numeric comparisons and logical AND.
  • name =~ "com.appinf.osp.*" && someProperty — simple pattern matching and test for existence of someProperty.
  • someProperty =~ /[0-9]+/ — regular expression matching.


Looks up the service with the given name. If found, returns a ServiceRef object for it, otherwise returns null.

To obtain the actual service object, the instance() method of the corresponding ServiceRef object must be called.

createListener(query, registeredCallback, unregisteredCallback)

Creates and returns a new ServiceListener object that listens for status changes of services matching the given query. The query language is the same as for find(). Two callback functions must be provided as arguments. The first one will be called when a new service matching the query is registered. It will also be called after calling createListener() for already registered services matching the query. The second callback function will be called when a service matching the query is unregistered. Both callback functions will receive a ServiceRef object representing the respective service as argument.

ServiceListener Objects

ServiceListener objects only expose a single method, dispose(). It can be used to tell the ServiceListener that it's no longer needed and should stop listening for service status changes. After calling dispose(), the callback functions will no longer be called.

ServiceRef Objects

ServiceRef objects have two methods. The first one, instance(), returns the underlying service object. Note that not all service objects are accessible from JavaScript. Only service objects implemented using the Remoting-based bridging mechanism are accessible from JavaScript. An attempt to call instance() for a service object not accessible from JavaScript will result in an exception. The second method is equals(), which takes nother ServiceRef object as argument and returns true if both refer to the same service, otherwise false.

Using Services

After a service object has been obtained by calling the instance() method of its ServiceRef object, the methods of the service can be called, and any events the service provides can be subscribed to.

Calling Service Methods

Service methods can be called like any other method in JavaScript. For a description of the methods provided by a service, please refer to the C++ reference documentation.

Note: the method on() is reserved for subscribing to service events. If a service provides a regular method named on(), this service method can be called from JavaScript by using the method name __on() (two leading underscores).


const ledRef = serviceRegistry.findByName('io.macchina.linux.led#status');
if (ledRef)
    var led = ledRef.instance();

IoT::Devices::LED offers a method on() to turn on the LED. In order to call this method from JavaScript, __on() must be used, as on() is reserved for subscribing to events.

Subscribing to Service Events

Some services provide event notifications about changes to the state or other information.

For example, the Sensor and ScalarDatapoint interfaces support the valueChanged event, which is triggered whenever the value changes.

The following JavaScript example shows how to handle the valueChanged event.

const temperatureRefs = serviceRegistry.find('io.macchina.deviceType == "io.macchina.sensor" && io.macchina.physicalQuantity == "temperature"');
if (temperatureRefs.length > 0)
    var temperature = temperatureRefs[0].instance();
    temperature.on('valueChanged', ev => {
      console.log('Temperatue changed: %f',;

The on() method of the service object is used to set an event handler for that specific event. The event handler function receives a single event parameter. The event parameter has a property, data, which contains the actual event data (specific to the respective event). Furthermore, the event argument has a property source, which references the service object firing the event.

To remove an event handler, call on() with the second parameter set to null.

Important: When subscribing to an event, make sure that the object that provides the event is protected from the JavaScript garbage collector. This is typically done by storing the object in a global variable. Subscribing to an event on an object stored in a local variable (in a function or block) declared with let or const will typically work for some time, until the garbage collector decides to remove the object. After this, no further events will be delivered.

Service Event Filters

Some services allow to install a client-specific event filter for certain events. For example, the Sensor (IoT::Devices::Sensor) and ScalarDatapoint (IoT::Devices::ScalarDatapoint) services support setting various event filters, by calling methods like setValueChangedIsGreaterThanFilter() or setValueChangedMinimumDeltaFilter(). The methods to set (or clear) an event filter expect the subscriber ID as first parameter, which can be obtained from the service object via the $sub property.

Following is an example for setting a filter on a temperature sensor:

const temperatureRefs = serviceRegistry.find('io.macchina.deviceType == "io.macchina.sensor" && io.macchina.physicalQuantity == "temperature"');
if (temperatureRefs.length > 0)
    var temperature = temperatureRefs[0].instance();
    temperature.on('valueChanged', ev => {
      console.log('Temperatue changed: %f',;
    temperature.setValueChangedMinimumDeltaFilter(temperature.$sub, 0.5);

In this sample, the valueChanged event will only be triggered for this client if the temperature change is at least 0.5 degrees.

Event Filter Caveats

Important: Due to the way event filters work, there are some caveats.

First, an event filter can only be set after at least one event handler has been added to a service object by calling on(). Second, due to the above limitation and the highly asynchronous and multithreaded implementation of sensors and datapoints, an event may have already been fired before the filter has been applied. Therefore, even if event filters are used, the event handler must double-check whether the event argument falls within the expected range.

A potential workaround for this issue is to register the event handler in a two-step process. First, an empty event handler is registered:

temperature.on('valueChanged', ev => {});

Then, the event filter is applied:

temperature.setValueChangedMinimumDeltaFilter(temperature.$sub, 0.5);

Finally, the real event handler is registered. However, this has to be done asynchronously, via a call to setImmediate(). This will give the system the opportunity to first handle any spurious unfiltered events through the emtpy event handler. Then, when the initial event queue has been emptied, the real event handler is activated:

setImmediate(() => {
  temperature.on('valueChanged', ev => {
    console.log('Temperatue changed: %f',;

The reason this works is because the function registered with setImmediate() runs from the same event queue the service events are handled in, so any events fired between enabling events and setting the event filter will be handled first and sent to the empty event handler. Unfortunately, this approach has the drawback that there is a chance a valid event is "lost" to the empty event handler. So, depending on the specific needs, the "double check" method of handling filtered events may be more appropriate.

Note that setting an event filter still makes sense, as this filters the event "at the source", preventing it from entering the JavaScript runtime environment and thus being more efficient.

Service Object Properties

A service object (the result of calling instance() on a ServiceRef object) contains two properties:

  • $uri contains the URI the service, in the form jsbridge://local/jsbridge/<className>/<instanceName>, where <instanceName> is the name the service is registered under in the service registry.
  • $sub contains the event subscriber URI of the service object, which is unique for each service object. This is used to set subscriber-specific event filters for a service event.
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