JavaScript File API Reference

File and FileStream Objects

File objects enable access to the file system, including reading and writing files, listing directory contents, creating directories, as well as copying, moving and renaming files.

In order to get access to File objects, the script must import the file module. The following example shows the basic usage. The script imports the file module, creates a File object for a file named "hello.txt", opens the file (creating it if it does not exist yet), which returns a FileStream, and writes a line of text to it.

It's important to always call close() on the FileStream returned by open() when done with reading or writing, to avoid accumulating too many operating system file handles.

const File = require('file').File;

const helloFile = new File('hello.txt');
const helloStream =;
helloStream.writeln('Hello, world!');

File Reference

File Properties

exists (ro)

Returns true if the file exists in the file system, otherwise false.

size (r/w)

Returns the size of the file in bytes. Can also be used to change the size of the file, truncating or expanding it.

created (ro)

Returns a Date with the date and time the file was created, if that information is available from the filesystem, or otherwise the time the file's status was last updated. Linux systems usually do not maintain a creation (birth) date and time.

lastModified (r/w)

Returns a Date with the date and time of the last modification to the file. Can also be used the set the last modification date by assigning a Date, DateTime or LocalDateTime object.

path (ro)

Returns the path of the file, exactly as specified when creating the File object.

name (ro)

Returns the name of the file (without any parent directory components).

baseName (ro)

Returns the base name of the file (without parent directory components or file suffix/extension).

extension (ro)

Returns the extension (or suffix) of the file name.

absolutePath (ro)

Returns the absolute path of the file.

parent (ro)

Returns the path of the parent directory of the file.


Returns the platform's path separator, which is a slash ('/') on Unix and a backslash ('\') on Windows.

File Methods


Returns true if the file is a regular file, otherwise false.


Returns true if the file is a directory, otherwise false.


Returns true if the file is a device file, otherwise false.


Returns true if the file is a symbolic or hard link, otherwise false.


Returns true if the file is hidden, otherwise false.


Returns true if the file is readable by its permissions, otherwise false.


Returns true if the file is writable by its permissions, otherwise false.


Returns true if the file is executable by its permissions (or extension, on some platforms), otherwise false.

copyTo(target [, options])

Copies the file to the given target path (which can be a directory).

If the option File.OPT_FAIL_ON_OVERWRITE is given as second parameter, the copy operation will fail with an exception if a file already exists at the given target path.

moveTo(target [, options])

Moves the file to the given target path (which can be a directory).

If the option File.OPT_FAIL_ON_OVERWRITE is given as second parameter, the move operation will fail with an exception if a file already exists at the given target path. When moving a file, the target can be on a different file system or volume.

linkTo(target [, type])

Creates a symbolic or hard link to the file at the given target path.

The type of the link can be specified as File.LINK_SYMBOLIC (default) or File.LINK_HARD.

renameTo(path [, options])

Renames the file to the given path.

If the option File.OPT_FAIL_ON_OVERWRITE is given as second parameter, the rename operation will fail with an exception if a file already exists at the given target path. When renaming a file, the new path must be on the same file system or volume.

See also moveTo().


Removes the file or directory.

If recursive is true (defaults to false), directories are removed recursively (including its contents).

list([pattern [, ...]])

Lists the contents of a directory and returns an array of File objects representing the directory contents.

Can be called only if the file's path points to a directory.

If one or more optional pattern strings are given (e.g. '*.dat'), only files matching that pattern (or at least one of these patterns) are returned. See Poco::Glob for the pattern format.

Multiple patterns can also be passed as an array, using a spread argument:

const patterns = ['*.xml', '*.json'];


Returns the free space in bytes on the file system the file's path points to.


Returns the usable space in bytes on the file system the file's path points to.


Returns the total space in bytes on the file system the file's path points to.


Opens the file and returns a FileStream object for reading and/or writing from/to the file.

The following mode flags (combined with OR) can be specified:

  • File.OPEN_READ: Open file for reading.
  • File.OPEN_WRITE: Open file for writing.
  • File.OPEN_APPEND: Open file for writing at the end. Before any write operation, a seek to the end of the file will be done.
  • File.OPEN_ATEND: Open the file and seek to the end.
  • File.OPEN_EXISTING: Only open an exising file. Fails with an exception if the file does not exist.
  • File.OPEN_NOREPLACE: Create a new file in an atomic operation. Fails with an exception if the file already exists.
  • File.OPEN_TRUNCATE: Truncate the file after opening.

If no mode is specified, the default is File.OPEN_READ | File.OPEN_EXISTING.

It's important to always call close() on the returned stream when done with reading or writing, to avoid accumulating too many open file handles.


Creates a file in an atomic operation. Returns true if the file was created, or false if the file already existed.


Creates a directory in an atomic operation. Returns true if the directory was created, or false if the directory already existed.


Creates a directory and all parent directories, if necessary.


Returns an array with all file system roots. On a Unix system, this will return only one entry for the file system root (["/"]). On a Windows system, this will return the drive characters (e.g., ["C:", "D:"]).

File.glob(pattern [, options])

Returns an array of file names matching the given pattern. See Poco::Glob for the pattern format.

The following options can be specified (combined with OR):

  • File.GLOB_DOT_SPECIAL: '*' and '?' do not match '.' at beginning of subject.
  • File.GLOB_FOLLOW_SYMLINKS: Follow symbolic links encounting during traversal.
  • File.GLOB_CASELESS: Ignore case when comparing characters.

File.concatPaths(path [, path]...)

Concatenates multiple paths or names, separated by the platform's path separator ('/' on Unix, '\' on Windows) and returns the result.

File.resolvePath(basePath [, pathToResolve])

Resolves the given pathToResolve against the basePath. If pathToResolve is a relative path, it is appended to basePath and the result is returned. If pathToResolve is absolute, it is returned as is. If pathToResolve is not given, basePath is returned.


Returns the current directory of the process running the script.

FileStream Reference

FileStream Properties

readable (ro)

Returns true if the stream is readable, otherwise false.

writable (ro)

Returns true if the stream is writable, otherwise false.

good (ro)

Returns true if the stream is is good state, otherwise false.

eof (ro)

Returns true if the stream is in end-of-file state, otherwise false.

lineEnding (r/w)

Returns the line ending characters used when reading or writing lines. Defaults to line feed (File.NEWLINE_LF).

Can also be set. Valid values are:

  • File.NEWLINE_LF: "\n" (Unix)
  • File.NEWLINE_CRLF: "\r\n" (Windows)
  • File.NEWLINE_DEFAULT: Default for the platform - "\n" on Unix, "\r\n" on Windows.

FileStream Methods


Returns the current position for reading and writing in the file.

seek(position [, direction])

Seeks to the given position (offset according to the given direction in the file) to set the position for subsequent read or write operations.

The direction parameter can be one of:

  • File.SEEK_BEG: Offset from beginning of file (default).
  • File.SEEK_CUR: Offset from current position (can be positive or negative to move forward or backwards).
  • File.SEEK_END: Offset from end of file.


Reads a line of UTF-8 encoded text from the file and returns a string. The line ending characters (LF or CRLF) are not included in the string.


Writes the given string, followed by the line ending character(s), to the file, using UTF-8 encoding.


Reads up to length bytes from the file and returns a Buffer object with the data.


Writes the given data to the file. The argument can be a Buffer object (for writing binary data), or a string, which will be written UTF-8 encoded.


Reads a single byte from the file and returns its numeric value. The position in the file is not advanced. Returns -1 (or File.EOF) if the end-of-file has been reached.


Reads a single byte from the file and returns its numeric value. Returns -1 (or File.EOF) if the end-of-file has been reached.


Writes a single byte (given as number) to the file.


Seeks to the beginning of the file and resets the end-of-file state.


Immediately flushes the contents of the internal file buffer to the file system.


Flushes the contents of the internal file buffer to the file system and closes the file.

It's important to always call close() when done with a FileStream object to avoid accumulating too many operating system file handles.

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