C++ Programming Guide


The EDGE C++ programming environment gives you full access to all features and APIs provided by EDGE. EDGE is itself written in C++, except for some parts of the web user interface. Therefore, some EDGE features and APIs are only accessible to developers writing C++ code. Services, network protocols and device/sensor bindings generally must be written in C++.

This document will introduce you to C++ programming in the EDGE environment. Familiarity with C++ (C++11) and basic Linux/Unix programming with GCC (or Clang) and GNU Make is expected.

Bundles EDGE is completely implemented in a modular, plug-in based architecture, using a C++ framework named Open Service Platform (OSP). Therefore, virtually all code that runs within EDGE comes from a plug-in, or bundle, as it's called in OSP and EDGE. The only exception is the quite minimal server application. It's purpose is to load configuration data from a set of configuration files and to initialize the bundle loading framework.

For a more detailed introduction to the OSP framework, which is the foundation of EDGE, please read the OSP Overview and Tutorial.

A Bundle is basically a directory with a certain structure, or, more commonly, a Zip archive file (with extension .bndl) containing such a directory hierarchy. A bundle contains mandatory meta information (the so-called manifest), as well as configuration files, dynamic libraries, and other resources like HTML files, images or stylesheets.

Generally, there are two ways to run code from within a bundle. First, a bundle can provide a BundleActivator class, which must be a subclass of Poco::OSP::BundleActivator. In addition to implementing the class, it must also be declared in the bundle's meta information, the so-called bundle manifest.

Second, a bundle can also implement one or more extension points. An extension point is, generally speaking, a hook defined by a bundle, that another bundle can hook itself in to.


Given only bundle activators and extension points, it would be very hard for different bundles to work together. Therefore, OSP and EDGE also have services. Services are C++ objects that are registered with a central Service Registry. Each bundle can register an arbitrary number of services it provides itself with the service registry, and can also find services provided by other bundles via the service registry. In EDGE, every sensor, device or communication protocol is implemented as a service.


The following tutorial assumes the you've already retrieved the EDGE sources from its Git repository and built EDGE for your host system, according to the instructions in the Getting Started document.

To keep things simple for now, only the build steps for the host system will be shown. We assume that your host system is either a Linux or a macOS system. EDGE heavily uses the POCO C++ Libraries. The POCO C++ Libraries are also used in the sample code shown in this tutorial. If you are not familiar with them, please refer to the introductory slides for a quick overview.

Writing Your First Bundle in C++

The following sections will guide you through the steps of creating your first bundle for EDGE. This simple bundle will just provide a minimal bundle activator that prints a "Hello, world!" message to the log.

Every bundle containing C++ code must have at the minimum the following items:

  • a symbolic and human-readable name
  • a bundle activator class implementation (can be omitted if the bundle implements certain extension points, such as osp.web.server.requestHandler)
  • a bundle specification file (.bndlspec) used by the Bundle Creator tool
  • a Makefile

A minimal directory hierarchy for a C++ bundle looks like this:


Note that this directory layout (specifically, the placement of the C++ source file BundleActivator.cpp in the src folder) is only mandatory if you use EDGE's GNU Make-based build system. If you use a different build system, you are free to arrange files however you like (or however your build system expects it).

Note: You can find all files for this sample in the samples/HelloBundle directory.

The Makefile

Let's start with the Makefile. Here is a minimal Makefile that first compiles the BundleActivator.cpp source file into a dynamic library for the bundle, and then creates the bundle file by invoking the Bundle Creator tool:

include $(POCO_BASE)/build/rules/global
include $(POCO_BASE)/OSP/BundleCreator/BundleCreator.make

objects = BundleActivator

target      = io.macchina.samples.hello
target_libs = PocoOSP PocoUtil PocoJSON PocoXML PocoFoundation

postbuild = $(SET_LD_LIBRARY_PATH) $(BUNDLE_TOOL) -n$(OSNAME) -a$(OSARCH) -o../bundles HelloBundle.bndlspec

include $(POCO_BASE)/build/rules/dylib

This Makefile uses the EDGE C++ build system which is taken from the POCO C++ Libraries, so the first thing it does is include global definitions. Furthermore, it will invoke the BundleCreator tool, so it also includes some definitions related to that from (BundleCreator.make).

The Makefile will create a dynamic library from a single object file, BundleActivator.o. According to the build system rules, this object file will be created by compiling the source file src/BundleActivator.cpp.

The resulting dynamic library will be named io.macchina.samples.hello (plus the system-specific suffix, e.g., .so), which, by convention, is the same as the name of the bundle. Note that the name of the bundle itself is defined in the bundle specification file, not the Makefile. The bundle will be created in the bundles directory alongside the HelloBundle directory.

After building the dynamic library, the Makefile will invoke the bundle creator tool. This involves setting the shared library search path, and passing the target operating system name and architecture, the output directory and the name or path of the bundle specification file to the bundle creator tool.

At the end, the Makefile includes the rules for building a dynamic library. Note that there is a subtle difference between shared and dynamic libraries in the POCO C++ Libraries build system. Shared libraries are libraries that are linked during build time. Dynamic libraries are libraries that are loaded at run-time, via a call to dlopen() or similar. While on a Linux system both are basically the same (except that dynamic libraries, other than shared libraries, do not have a library version number as part of the name), on a macOS system there is a difference in how they are built.

The Bundle Specification File

The bundle specification file is an XML file that describes the name (human-readable and symbolic) of the bundle, its version, its dependencies and other meta-information, such as the name of the bundle activator class and the name of the dynamic library where it can be found.

The bundle specification file (HelloBundle.bndlspec) for the sample bundle is shown in the following.

        <name>HelloBundle Sample</name>
        <vendor>Applied Informatics</vendor>
        <copyright>(c) 2018, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH</copyright>

The file first defines the human-readable name of the bundle ("HelloBundle Sample") and the symbolic name ("io.macchina.samples.hello"), which must be unique for all bundles in a EDGE instance.

The symbolic name of a bundle must conform to certain conventions. Symbolic names must be unique across different vendors. To ensure this, the bundle symbolic name employs the reverse domain name scheme known for example from Java namespaces. The name consists of a number of parts, separated by periods. The first part is the top-level domain of the vendor (e.g., "com" or "io"). The second part is the domain name of the company (e.g., "macchina" or "appinf"). The remaining parts can be freely specified by the vendor, and usually include a product name, subsystem name, module name, etc. There is no limit to the number of parts in a name, although for practical purposes, a bundle name should not consist of more than five parts. For maximum portability across different platforms, a name part must not contain any characters other than upper- and lowercase alphabetic characters ('A' - 'Z'), digits ('0' - '9') and dash ('-').

Each bundle also has a version number, which is also specified in the bundle specification file, along with a vendor name and copyright information, which can be freely chosen.

The symbolic name and version number will be part of the resulting bundle file name.

The <activator> element specifies the class name (including namespace) of the bundle's bundle activator class, and the name of the dynamic library where the class is implemented. Note that this name matches the one specified in the Makefile's target variable.

The <code> element contains a comma-separated list of Glob expressions that specify which dynamic library files should be copied into the bundle. The build system will place the resulting dynamic library in a subdirectory of the bin directory, which has a path based on the target operating system name and platform. For example, on an Intel-based 64-bit Linux system this will be bin/Linux/x86_64, on a Raspberry Pi this will be bin/Linux/armv7l and on macOS this will be bin/Darwin/x86_64. Using the built-in variables ${osName} and ${osArch} will make the bundle specification file independent of the host and target system. Also, note two entries, one for Linux, which uses the .so suffix, and one for macOS, which uses .dylib.

The Bundle Activator

Finally, here is the source code for the bundle activator class.

#include "Poco/OSP/BundleActivator.h"
#include "Poco/OSP/BundleContext.h"
#include "Poco/ClassLibrary.h"

namespace HelloBundle {

class BundleActivator: public Poco::OSP::BundleActivator
    void start(Poco::OSP::BundleContext::Ptr pContext)
        pContext->logger().information("Hello, world!");

    void stop(Poco::OSP::BundleContext::Ptr pContext)

} // namespace HelloBundle


The above code should be pretty clear. A bundle activator needs to implement two methods:

  • start(), which is called by the OSP framework when the bundle is started, and
  • stop(), which is called by the OSP framework when the bundle is stopped.

Both methods receive a pointer to a Poco::OSP::BundleContext object, which provides the entry point into the OSP framework. Among other objects, the BundleContext provides access to a Poco::Logger object that can be used for logging.

The interesting part is at the end of the file, where the BundleActivator class is "exported" from the dynamic library containing it. This is done by creating a dynamic library manifest (not to be confused with the bundle manifest), which is used by OSP's class loader framework (see Poco::ClassLoader) to create an instance of the BundleActivator class when the bundle is started.

The argument to the POCO_BEGIN_MANIFEST macro is the base class of the exported class, which for a bundle activator is always Poco::OSP::BundleActivator. The argument to the POCO_EXPORT_CLASS macro is the name of the exported class, including its namespace. The same name must be specified in the bundle specification file under the <activator>/<class> element.

Building the Bundle

In order to build the bundle with GNU Make, two environment variables must be defined.

  • $PROJECT_BASE must contain the path to the EDGE root directory (the one containing the platform, launcher, protocols, etc. directories).
  • $POCO_BASE must contain the path to the platform directory inside the EDGE root directory. Setting it to $PROJECT_BASE/platform is recommended.

There is a Bash script named env.bash in the EDGE root directory that you can source in order to set these and a few other useful environment variables:

$ . env.bash EDGE build environment set.

$MACCHINA_BASE     = /home/user/
$PROJECT_BASE      = /home/user/
$POCO_BASE         = /home/user/
$LD_LIBRARY_PATH   = /home/user/

Alternatively, you can also set $PROJECT_BASE and $POCO_BASE manually:

$ export PROJECT_BASE=/path/to/
$ export POCO_BASE=$PROJECT_BASE/platform

The HelloBundle sample files can be found in $PROJECT_BASE/samples/HelloBundle.

So after setting the environment variables, you can:

$ cd $PROJECT_BASE/samples/HelloBundle
$ make

This will compile the BundleActivator source, build the dynamic library and create the bundle file, which can be found in $PROJECT_BASE/samples/bundles.

If you see an error message like:

Makefile:7: /build/rules/global: No such file or directory
Makefile:8: /OSP/BundleCreator/BundleCreator.make: No such file or directory
Makefile:18: /build/rules/dylib: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `/build/rules/dylib'.  Stop.

This means that $POCO_BASE and $PROJECT_BASE are not defined. See above for how to set them.

After successfully building the project, you can look into the contents of the resulting bundle with the unzip utility:

$ unzip -l ../bundles/io.macchina.samples.hello_1.0.0.bndl
Archive:  ../bundles/io.macchina.samples.hello_1.0.0.bndl
  Length      Date    Time    Name
---------  ---------- -----   ----
        0  2018-02-20 15:01   META-INF/
      363  2018-02-20 15:01   META-INF/
        0  2018-02-20 15:01   bin/
        0  2018-02-20 15:01   bin/Linux/
        0  2018-02-20 15:01   bin/Linux/x86_64/
    25552  2018-02-20 15:01   bin/Linux/x86_64/
   319200  2018-02-20 15:01   bin/Linux/x86_64/
---------                     -------
   345115                     7 files

You can see that the bundle contains directories for the bundle manifest and for the dynamic libraries. There are actually two dynamic libraries in the bundle. The smaller one is the release version of the library (which would be deployed on a real device), the second one is the debug version containing debug information. This allows you to debug code in bundles like any other C++ code.

It's possible to build the bundle with only the release binaries by passing a DEFAULT_TARGET variable to GNU Make:

$ make DEFAULT_TARGET=shared_release

This is recommended for deployment to a device as it will significantly reduce the bundle size. Similarly, you can build the debug binaries only:

$ make DEFAULT_TARGET=shared_debug

You can also view the generated bundle manifest file:

$ unzip -p ../bundles/io.macchina.samples.hello_1.0.0.bndl META-INF/
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-Name: HelloBundle Sample
Bundle-SymbolicName: io.macchina.samples.hello
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
Bundle-Vendor: Applied Informatics
Bundle-Copyright: (c) 2018, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH
Bundle-Activator: HelloBundle::BundleActivator;library=io.macchina.samples.hello
Bundle-RunLevel: 999-user
Bundle-LazyStart: false

You can see that it contains most of the information specified in the bundle specification file, as well as some additional items.

Running the Bundle

To run the bundle, simply start (or restart) the EDGE server application. The samples/bundles directory is part of the default search path for bundles, so it will automatically pick up the new bundle at startup.

Alternatively, the bundle can also be deployed to a running EDGE instance using the Bundles app in the web interface. Simply open the Bundles app, click on Install and drag the bundle file into your web browser window and drop it into the indicated area. This will only work if the bundle has not already been loaded. In that case you will see an error message in the browser and the EDGE log output or console.

After manually installing the bundle you have to start it as well by clicking the Start item in the bundle actions bar.

If successfully started, the bundle will print a message to the EDGE log output or console.

2018-02-20 15:21:34.289 [Information]<0>: Hello, world!

Similarly, when you stop the bundle, either by stopping the entire EDGE server or by stopping only the bundle in the Bundles app, you will see its goodbye message:

2018-02-20 15:22:37.991 [Information]<0>: Goodbye!

Debugging the Bundle

To debug your new bundle, you will need to run the EDGE server under the debugger (GDB or LLDB). Make sure that the bundle contains dynamic libraries with debug information, and that you start the debug executable of the EDGE server.

Assuming you are currently in the samples/HelloBundle directory, start GDB with:

$ gdb ../../server/bin/Linux/x86_64/macchinad
GNU gdb (Ubuntu 7.11.1-0ubuntu1~16.5) 7.11.1
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-linux-gnu".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from ../../server/bin/Linux/x86_64/macchinad...done.

Although the bundle has not been loaded, you can still set a breakpoint in its BundleActivator::start() method:

(gdb) break HelloBundle::BundleActivator::start
Function "HelloBundle::BundleActivator::start" not defined.
Make breakpoint pending on future shared library load? (y or [n]) y
Breakpoint 1 (HelloBundle::BundleActivator::start) pending.

Then, simply run the EDGE server. It will hit the breakpoint as soon as it attempts to start the bundle.

(gdb) run
Starting program: /home/guenter/
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/".
[New Thread 0x7ffff56cd700 (LWP 70734)]
[New Thread 0x7ffff4ecc700 (LWP 70735)]
2018-02-20 15:28:12.204 [Information] osp.core.ServiceRegistry<0>: Service registered: osp.core.xp
2018-02-20 15:28:12.204 [Information] osp.core.ServiceRegistry<0>: Service registered: osp.core.preferences
2018-02-20 15:28:12.204 [Information] osp.core.ServiceRegistry<0>: Service registered: osp.core.installer
2018-02-20 15:28:12.204 [Information] Application<0>: Loading bundles...
2018-02-20 15:28:12.219 [Information] com.osp.BundleRepository<0>: Loaded bundle com.appinf.osp.js/1.0.0
2018-02-20 15:28:12.219 [Information] com.osp.BundleRepository<0>: Loaded bundle
2018-02-20 15:28:12.219 [Information] com.osp.BundleRepository<0>: Loaded bundle
Thread 1 "macchinad" hit Breakpoint 1, HelloBundle::BundleActivator::start (this=0x64da40, pContext=...) at src/BundleActivator.cpp:22
22      void start(Poco::OSP::BundleContext::Ptr pContext)

Creating Your Own Bundle

The easiest way to create your own bundle is to copy the HelloBundle directory and to edit and rename the bundle specification file (HelloBundle.bndlspec). Make sure to specify a unique symbolic name for your bundle. Furthermore, make sure your bundle activator class is in its own unique C++ namespace. The fully qualified name (namespace plus class name) of all bundle activator classes must be unique, otherwise the dynamic linker may get confused and call the wrong bundle activator start() method (another one with the same name) when the bundle is started.

Services, Sensors and Devices

Besides bundles, services are the second main concept in EDGE and the underlying Open Service Platform framework. Virtually every EDGE feature is exposed as a service that can be found via the Service Registry. This includes sensors, devices and network protocols.

Two Kinds of Services

There are two kinds of services in EDGE. The first kind are implemented as ordinary C++ classes, derived from Poco::OSP::Service. These are easy to implement but have the disadvantage that such services can only be used by C++ code. Using these services from JavaScript code is impossible. While they will be visible via the service registry, actually invoking these services will fail.

Thus, the second kind of service is implemented using the Remoting framework. While these services impose a minor overhead when being invoked from C++ (an additional virtual function call through a wrapper object), these services can also be used from JavaScript (and potentially other runtime environments) using the Remoting-based bridging mechanism. Note that even if there's the Remoting framework involved, no actual network or socket communication happens during JavaScript bridging. Only the dynamic dispatching and serialization mechanisms from Remoting are used.

Virtually all EDGE services are implemented using the Remoting framework and are thus available from both C++ and JavaScript. Some OSP core services, however, are only available to C++ code.

Finding Services

Services are discovered via the central Service Registry. Services can be found either by name, or by their properties. Some services have well-known names, specifically the OSP core services. Most EDGE services, however, should be found via their properties, to prevent coupling your code to a specific service implementation.

Service References

Service objects are not registered directly with the service registry. Intermediate service reference objects of class Poco::OSP::ServiceRef are used. A service reference binds together the actual object implementing the service with meta-information like name, type and a set of properties.

When finding a service via the service registry, first a service reference is received. From this service reference, the actual service object (or its Remoting wrapper) can be obtained by calling the Poco::OSP::ServiceRef::castedInstance() method.

Accessing Services

The following sample implements a bundle that uses the service registry to find temperature sensor services, print out their properties, and read the current temperature from each sensor. EDGE comes with the capability to simulate simple sensors, and the default configuration file defines a couple of simulated temperature sensors, which can be used for testing.

Like the HelloBundle sample, the HelloSensor1 sample requires a few files, set up as follows:


The sources for this sample can be found in the samples directory.

The Makefile

The Makefile looks similar to the one for the HelloBundle sample, with a few additions:

include $(POCO_BASE)/build/rules/global
include $(POCO_BASE)/OSP/BundleCreator/BundleCreator.make

objects = BundleActivator

target          = io.macchina.samples.sensor1
target_includes = $(PROJECT_BASE)/devices/Devices/include $(PROJECT_BASE)/devices/Devices/skel/include
target_libs     = IoTDevices IoTDevicesSkel PocoOSP PocoUtil PocoJSON PocoXML PocoFoundation

postbuild = $(SET_LD_LIBRARY_PATH) $(BUNDLE_TOOL) -n$(OSNAME) -a$(OSARCH) -o../bundles HelloSensor1.bndlspec

include $(POCO_BASE)/build/rules/dylib

First, we need to add a header search path for the EDGE IoTDevices library, which contains the interface definitions for working with sensors and other devices. This is done using the target_includes variable. Second, we also need to add the IoTDevices and IoTDevicesSkel libraries to the list of libraries linked to our dynamic library. This is done by adding it to the target_libs variable.

The Bundle Specification

The bundle specification file for the HelloSensor1 bundle also has one addition compared to the one for HelloBundle:

        <name>HelloSensor Sample #1</name>
        <vendor>Applied Informatics</vendor>
        <copyright>(c) 2018, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH</copyright>
            <version>[1.0.0, 2.0.0)</version>

Our bundle requires the IoTDevices library, which is provided through the io.macchina.devices bundle. Therefore, we add a dependency to this bundle. The result of this is that the HelloSensor1 bundle can only be started if the io.macchina.devices bundle is available (in a version equal to or greater than 1.0.0, and less than 2.0.0) and can be successfully started.

The Bundle Activator

Here is the source code for the bundle activator:

#include "Poco/OSP/BundleActivator.h"
#include "Poco/OSP/BundleContext.h"
#include "Poco/OSP/ServiceRegistry.h"
#include "Poco/OSP/ServiceRef.h"
#include "Poco/ClassLibrary.h"
#include "IoT/Devices/ISensor.h"

namespace HelloSensor1 {

class BundleActivator: public Poco::OSP::BundleActivator
    void start(Poco::OSP::BundleContext::Ptr pContext)
        auto sensorRefs = pContext->registry().find("io.macchina.physicalQuantity == \"temperature\"");
        pContext->logger().information("Found %z temperature sensors.", sensorRefs.size());
        for (auto pSensorRef: sensorRefs)
            pContext->logger().information("Sensor name: %s", pSensorRef->name());
            const Poco::OSP::Properties& props = pSensorRef->properties();
            for (const auto& key: props.keys())
                pContext->logger().information("Property: %s = %s", key, props[key]);
            IoT::Devices::ISensor::Ptr pSensor = pSensorRef->castedInstance<IoT::Devices::ISensor>();
            pContext->logger().information("Sensor value: %.2f", pSensor->value());

    void stop(Poco::OSP::BundleContext::Ptr pContext)

} // namespace HelloSensor1


In the BundleActivator's start() method, we first look for all services that have a property named "io.macchina.physicalQuantity" with a value of "temperature". By convention in EDGE, all sensor services for a sensor that measures a physical quantity expose this property. We receive a vector of sensor references (std::vector<Poco::OSP::SensorRef::Ptr>), which we then iterate through. For each sensor we print out its service name and its properties. Then we obtain the actual service object (or, more specifically, the Remoting wrapper implementing the IoT::Devices::ISensor interface), which we the use to read the current temperature from the sensor.

Building the Bundle

Like with the HelloBundle sample, in order to build the HelloSensor1 bundle, the two environment variables $PROJECT_BASE and $POCO_BASE must be defined. Then, the bundle can be built by invoking make from the HelloSensor1 directory.

$ . /path/to/
$ cd $PROJECT_BASE/samples/HelloSensor1
$ make

After starting, or restarting the EDGE server, the following log output should be visible:

2018-02-21 09:48:49.655 [Information]<0>: Found 2 temperature sensors.
2018-02-21 09:48:49.655 [Information]<0>: Sensor name: io.macchina.simulation.sensor#1
2018-02-21 09:48:49.656 [Information]<0>: Property: io.macchina.device = io.macchina.simulation.sensor
2018-02-21 09:48:49.656 [Information]<0>: Property: io.macchina.deviceType = io.macchina.sensor
2018-02-21 09:48:49.656 [Information]<0>: Property: io.macchina.physicalQuantity = temperature
2018-02-21 09:48:49.656 [Information]<0>: Property: jsbridge = jsbridge://local/jsbridge/IoT.Devices.Sensor/io.macchina.simulation.sensor#1
2018-02-21 09:48:49.656 [Information]<0>: Property: name = io.macchina.simulation.sensor#1
2018-02-21 09:48:49.656 [Information]<0>: Property: type = N3IoT7Devices7ISensorE
2018-02-21 09:48:49.656 [Information]<0>: Sensor value: 20.00
2018-02-21 09:48:49.656 [Information]<0>: Sensor name: io.macchina.simulation.sensor#2
2018-02-21 09:48:49.656 [Information]<0>: Property: io.macchina.device = io.macchina.simulation.sensor
2018-02-21 09:48:49.656 [Information]<0>: Property: io.macchina.deviceType = io.macchina.sensor
2018-02-21 09:48:49.656 [Information]<0>: Property: io.macchina.physicalQuantity = temperature
2018-02-21 09:48:49.656 [Information]<0>: Property: jsbridge = jsbridge://local/jsbridge/IoT.Devices.Sensor/io.macchina.simulation.sensor#2
2018-02-21 09:48:49.656 [Information]<0>: Property: name = io.macchina.simulation.sensor#2
2018-02-21 09:48:49.656 [Information]<0>: Property: type = N3IoT7Devices7ISensorE
2018-02-21 09:48:49.656 [Information]<0>: Sensor value: 25.00

Dynamically Reacting to Service Availability

Services can be dynamically registered and unregistered, and not all services may be available at all times. A good example are sensors connected via Bluetooth®️ LE, such as the TI SensorTag or the Bosch XDK. Sensor services for these devices will only be available as long as the respective device is connected. Therefore, these services may come and go at any time. Unlike with permanently connected devices, an application bundle using these cannot assume that the respective services will be available when the bundle is started.

Of course, the application could periodically check for new services, either by repeatedly calling Poco::OSP::ServiceRegistry::find(), or by subscribing to the Poco::OSP::ServiceRegistry::serviceRegistered event. However, a better way is to use a Poco::OSP::ServiceListener. The following sample code shows how to use it:

#include "Poco/OSP/BundleActivator.h"
#include "Poco/OSP/BundleContext.h"
#include "Poco/OSP/ServiceRegistry.h"
#include "Poco/OSP/ServiceRef.h"
#include "Poco/OSP/ServiceListener.h"
#include "Poco/Delegate.h"
#include "Poco/ClassLibrary.h"
#include "IoT/Devices/ISensor.h"

namespace HelloSensor2 {

class BundleActivator: public Poco::OSP::BundleActivator
    void start(Poco::OSP::BundleContext::Ptr pContext)
        _pContext = pContext;
        _pListener = pContext->registry().createListener(
            "io.macchina.physicalQuantity == \"temperature\"",
            Poco::delegate(this, &BundleActivator::onSensorRegistered),
            Poco::delegate(this, &BundleActivator::onSensorUnregistered));

    void stop(Poco::OSP::BundleContext::Ptr pContext)

    void onSensorRegistered(const Poco::OSP::ServiceRef::Ptr& pSensorRef)
        _pContext->logger().information("Sensor registered: %s", pSensorRef->name());
        const Poco::OSP::Properties& props = pSensorRef->properties();
        for (const auto& key: props.keys())
            _pContext->logger().information("Property: %s = %s", key, props[key]);
        IoT::Devices::ISensor::Ptr pSensor = pSensorRef->castedInstance<IoT::Devices::ISensor>();
        _pContext->logger().information("Sensor value: %.2f", pSensor->value());

    void onSensorUnregistered(const Poco::OSP::ServiceRef::Ptr& pSensorRef)
        _pContext->logger().information("Sensor unregistered: %s", pSensorRef->name());

    Poco::OSP::BundleContext::Ptr _pContext;
    Poco::OSP::ServiceListener::Ptr _pListener;

} // namespace HelloSensor2


In the BundleActivator's start() method, first the BundleContext pointer is stored in a member variable for use by other member functions. The BundleContext object for a given Bundle stays the same during the entire lifetime of the bundle, so it's safe to store it for later use outside the start() and stop() methods.

Next we create a Poco::OSP::ServiceListener object by calling Poco::OSP::ServiceRegistry::createListener(), and providing it with the query string (same as for Poco::OSP::ServiceRegistry::find()) that looks for temperature sensors, and two delegates. The first delegate will be called when a matching service is registered, the second one when a matching service is unregistered. If matching services have already been registered, the first delegate will be called immediately.

Both delegate functions will be passed the corresponding Poco::OSP::ServiceRef object. In our onSensorRegistered() member function we print the service name and its properties to the log, then obtain the service object and query the sensor's current value.

The onSensorUnregistered() member function does nothing except print a log message in this example. If the bundle activator would hold pointers to the respective service or service reference, this function would be a good place to release them.

Note that in the BundleActivator's stop() method, we reset both the Context and the Listener pointer. Generally, the stop() method should free all resources used by the Bundle, and put the BundleActivator object in a state so that start() can be safely called again.

The full source code and related files can be found in the samples/HelloSensor2 directory.

Handling Sensor Events

Some sensors can fire an event if the measured value changes. The following sample, HelloSensor3, extends the previous example with an event handler function that gets called when the measured temperature changes.

#include "Poco/OSP/BundleActivator.h"
#include "Poco/OSP/BundleContext.h"
#include "Poco/OSP/ServiceRegistry.h"
#include "Poco/OSP/ServiceRef.h"
#include "Poco/OSP/ServiceListener.h"
#include "Poco/Delegate.h"
#include "Poco/Mutex.h"
#include "Poco/ClassLibrary.h"
#include "IoT/Devices/ISensor.h"

namespace HelloSensor3 {

class BundleActivator: public Poco::OSP::BundleActivator
    void start(Poco::OSP::BundleContext::Ptr pContext)
        _pContext = pContext;
        _pListener = pContext->registry().createListener(
            "io.macchina.physicalQuantity == \"temperature\"",
            Poco::delegate(this, &BundleActivator::onSensorRegistered),
            Poco::delegate(this, &BundleActivator::onSensorUnregistered));

    void stop(Poco::OSP::BundleContext::Ptr pContext)
        Poco::FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_sensorMutex);

        if (_pSensor)

    void subscribe()
        _pSensor->valueChanged += Poco::delegate(this, &BundleActivator::onTemperatureChanged);

    void unsubscribe()
        _pSensor->valueChanged -= Poco::delegate(this, &BundleActivator::onTemperatureChanged);

    void onSensorRegistered(const Poco::OSP::ServiceRef::Ptr& pSensorRef)
        Poco::FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_sensorMutex);

        if (!_pSensorRef)
            _pContext->logger().information("Sensor registered: %s", pSensorRef->name());
            _pSensorRef = pSensorRef;
            _pSensor = pSensorRef->castedInstance<IoT::Devices::ISensor>();

    void onSensorUnregistered(const Poco::OSP::ServiceRef::Ptr& pSensorRef)
        Poco::FastMutex::ScopedLock lock(_sensorMutex);

        if (pSensorRef == _pSensorRef)
            _pContext->logger().information("Sensor unregistered: %s", pSensorRef->name());

    void onTemperatureChanged(const double& temp)
        _pContext->logger().information("Temperature changed: %.2f", temp);

    Poco::OSP::BundleContext::Ptr _pContext;
    Poco::OSP::ServiceListener::Ptr _pListener;
    Poco::OSP::ServiceRef::Ptr _pSensorRef;
    IoT::Devices::ISensor::Ptr _pSensor;
    Poco::FastMutex _sensorMutex;

} // namespace HelloSensor3


The example only handles a single temperature sensor. The first time onSensorRegistered() is called it will remember the service reference, as well as the actual service object. It will also call subscribe() to register an event delegate to handle the valueChanged event. Whenever the measured temperature value changes, the onTemperatureChanged() method will be called, which logs the temperature.

When the sensor goes away, in onSensorUnregistered(), we first check whether the received sensor reference is the same one we've stored. If so, we call unsubscribe() to remove the event delegate, and then reset the smart pointers for the sensor and sensor reference. We also do this if our bundle is stopped and we still have a sensor object.

Note that onSensorRegistered() and onSensorUnregistered() will be called from a different thread than our main thread, so there's a (small) chance for a race condition between these methods and stop(). That's why we use a mutex to guard access to the _pSensorRef and _pSensor members.

The full source code and related files can be found in the samples/HelloSensor3 directory.

Multiple Services and Configuration Properties

In the final sample we will combine multiple services to periodically send sensor data to an MQTT broker via the IoT::MQTT::MQTTClient service. We will also obtain configuration properties from the application via the Poco::OSP::PreferencesService.

The complete source code can be found in the samples/Sensor2MQTT directory, so we will only focus on a few interesting parts here. The directory structure looks like:


First, the project uses multiple source files, and the MQTT library (libIoTMQTT), which is reflected in the Makefile:

include $(POCO_BASE)/build/rules/global
include $(POCO_BASE)/OSP/BundleCreator/BundleCreator.make

objects = BundleActivator MQTTTask

target          = io.macchina.samples.sensor2mqtt
target_includes = $(PROJECT_BASE)/devices/Devices/include \
                  $(PROJECT_BASE)/devices/Devices/skel/include \
                  $(PROJECT_BASE)/protocols/MQTT/include \
target_libs     = IoTDevices IoTDevicesSkel IoTMQTT IoTMQTTSkel PocoOSP PocoUtil PocoJSON PocoXML PocoFoundation

postbuild = $(SET_LD_LIBRARY_PATH) $(BUNDLE_TOOL) -n$(OSNAME) -a$(OSARCH) -o../bundles Sensor2MQTT.bndlspec

include $(POCO_BASE)/build/rules/dylib

Furthermore, the sample adds a properties file to the bundle. This contains the defaults for various configurable properties. These can also be overridden by adding them to the main configuration file (**).

Here's the file, located in the bundle directory.

sensor2mqtt.interval = 20
sensor2mqtt.sensorQuery = io.macchina.physicalQuantity == \"temperature\"
sensor2mqtt.mqttClient = eclipse
sensor2mqtt.mqttTopic = macchina-io/samples/temperature

To add the properties file to the bundle, a <files> element has to be added to the bundle specification file Sensor2MQTT.bndlspec:

        <name>Sensor2MQTT Sample</name>
        <vendor>Applied Informatics</vendor>
        <copyright>(c) 2018, Applied Informatics Software Engineering GmbH</copyright>
            <version>[1.0.0, 2.0.0)</version>
            <version>[1.0.0, 2.0.0)</version>

The <files> element will add all files and directories located under the bundle directory to the bundle. A file named in the root directory of the bundle has a special meaning, as it will be automatically read when the bundle is loaded. The properties defined therein are available at run-time via the Poco::OSP::Bundle object, which can be obtained from the Poco::OSP::BundleContext object passed to the BundleActivator.

Also note the additional dependency to the io.macchina.mqtt.client bundle.

In the BundleActivator class, the getIntConfig() and getStringConfig() member functions will use the property values from the file as defaults, if the properties are not defined in the main application configuration file (

int getIntConfig(const std::string& key)
    const int deflt = _pContext->thisBundle()->properties().getInt(key);
    return _pPrefs->configuration()->getInt(key, deflt);

_pPrefs points to the Poco::OSP::PreferencesService instance, which gives access to the main application configuration. This is obtained in start() by using the Poco::OSP::ServiceFinder helper class:

void start(Poco::OSP::BundleContext::Ptr pContext)
    _pContext = pContext;
    _pPrefs = Poco::OSP::ServiceFinder::find<Poco::OSP::PreferencesService>(pContext);

    const std::string mqttClientId = getStringConfig("sensor2mqtt.mqttClient");
    auto mqttClientRefs = pContext->registry().find(Poco::format(" == \"%s\"", mqttClientId));
    if (!mqttClientRefs.empty())
        _pMQTTClient = mqttClientRefs[0]->castedInstance<IoT::MQTT::IMQTTClient>();

        _pListener = pContext->registry().createListener(
            "io.macchina.physicalQuantity == \"temperature\"",
            Poco::delegate(this, &BundleActivator::onSensorRegistered),
            Poco::delegate(this, &BundleActivator::onSensorUnregistered));
        _pContext->logger().warning("No MQTT client found.");

After obtaining the PreferencesService we look for an MQTTClient, which is also a service. In fact, multiple MQTT client services can be available, all configured in the main configuration file. The EDGE default configuration file defines a single client that connects to the public MQTT broker provided by Eclipse IoT.

mqtt.clients.eclipse.serverURI = tcp://
mqtt.clients.eclipse.clientId =

Via the service registry, a MQTT client can be found via its internal ID (part of the property name, in this case "eclipse"), its server URI (in this case, "tcp://", or via its MQTT client ID ("").

In the sample, we search by internal ID, but make this configurable via another configuration property ("sensor2mqtt.mqttClient").

If we find a suitable MQTT client, we set up a listener for temperature sensors, like in the HelloSensor2 and HelloSensor3 samples.

As soon as we've found a temperature sensor, we will send the temperature value periodically to the broker. To do this, we utilize the Poco::Util::Timer class.

In onSensorRegistered() we call startTask() which will set up the periodic timer:

void startTask()
    const std::string topic = getStringConfig("sensor2mqtt.mqttTopic");
    _pTask = new MQTTTask(_pSensor, _pMQTTClient, topic);
    long interval = 1000*getIntConfig("sensor2mqtt.interval");
    _timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(_pTask, 0, interval);

MQTT topic name and periodic transmission interval (in milliseconds) are read from the configuration. MQTTTask is a subclass of Poco::Util::TimerTask. In its run() method it sends the MQTT message:

void MQTTTask::run()
        if (_pSensor->ready())
            const std::string payload(Poco::format("%.1f", _pSensor->value()));
            _logger.information("Temperature sent: %s", payload);
    catch (Poco::Exception& exc)

Further Reading

Securely control IoT edge devices from anywhere   Connect a Device