
class LatLon

File Information

Library: Geo
Package: Geo
Header: Poco/Geo/LatLon.h


LatLon represents a point on the two-dimensional surface of a globe. Latitude is the degrees North and ranges between [-90, 90] while longitude refers to degrees East, and ranges between (-180, 180].

Based on code from the LatLon (gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.LatLon) class from the NASA World Wind Java source code released under the NOSA license.

Note: when comparing LatLons for equality, the usual issues when comparing floating-point numbers should be considered.

Member Summary

Member Functions: assign, equals, fromDegrees, fromRadians, greatCircleAzimuthTo, greatCircleDistanceTo, greatCircleEndPosition, latitude, longitude, operator !=, operator =, operator ==, rhumbAzimuthTo, rhumbDistanceTo, rhumbEndPosition, swap




Creates a zero LatLon.


    const LatLon & other

Creates a LatLon by copying another one.


    const Angle & latitude,
    const Angle & longitude

Creates a LatLon with the given latitude and longitude.




Destroys the LatLon.

Member Functions


void assign(
    const LatLon & other

Assigns another LatLon.


void assign(
    const Angle & latitude,
    const Angle & longitude

Assigns another latitude and longitude.


bool equals(
    const LatLon & other,
    double delta
) const;

Returns true if the other position is within the given delta of this position. Delta is given in degrees.

fromDegrees static inline

static LatLon fromDegrees(
    double latitude,
    double longitude

Creates a LatLon from the given latitude and longitude in degrees.

fromRadians static inline

static LatLon fromRadians(
    double latitude,
    double longitude

Creates a LatLon from the given latitude and longitude in radians.


Angle greatCircleAzimuthTo(
    const LatLon & latLon
) const;

Computes the azimuth angle (clockwise from North) that points from this location to the second location using the harvesine formula.

This angle can be used as the starting azimuth for a great circle arc that begins at the first location, and passes through the second location.


Angle greatCircleDistanceTo(
    const LatLon & latLon
) const;

Computes the great circle angular distance between two locations using the harvesine formula.

The return value gives the distance as the angle between the two positions on the PI radius circle. In radians, this angle is also the arc length of the segment between the two positions on that circle. To compute a distance in meters from this value, multiply it by the radius of the globe.

Example: compute the distance (in meters) between New York and San Francisco:

LatLon sanFrancisco(LatLon::fromDegrees(37.728965, -122.420151));
LatLon newYork(LatLon::fromDegrees(40.712180, -73.995796));
Angle a = newYork.greatCircleDistanceTo(sanFrancisco);
double m = a.radians()*LatLon::EARTH_MEAN_RADIUS;


LatLon greatCircleEndPosition(
    const Angle & greatCircleAzimuth,
    const Angle & arcDistance
) const;

Computes the location on a great circle arc with this as starting location, the given azimuth, and arc distance.

To compute the arcDistance (in radians) from a distance in meters, divide the distance in meters by the radius of the globe.

Example: travel from New York to San Francisco (distance: 4131767 meters, heading: 281.6 degrees)

LatLon newYork(LatLon::fromDegrees(40.712180, -73.995796));
LatLon destination = newYork.greatCircleEndPosition(Angle::fromDegrees(281.6), 

latitude inline

const Angle & latitude() const;

Returns the latitude.

longitude inline

const Angle & longitude() const;

Returns the longitude.

operator != inline

bool operator != (
    const LatLon & other
) const;

operator =

LatLon & operator = (
    const LatLon & other

Assignment operator.

operator == inline

bool operator == (
    const LatLon & other
) const;


Angle rhumbAzimuthTo(
    const LatLon & latLon
) const;

Computes the azimuth angle (clockwise from North) of a rhumb line (a line of constant heading) between two locations.


Angle rhumbDistanceTo(
    const LatLon & latLon
) const;

Computes the length of the rhumb line (a line of constant heading) between two locations.

The return value gives the distance as the angular distance between the two positions on the PI radius circle. In radians, this angle is also the arc length of the segment between the two positions on that circle. To compute a distance in meters from this value, multiply it by the radius of the globe.


LatLon rhumbEndPosition(
    const Angle & rhumbAzimuth,
    const Angle & arcDistance
) const;

Computes the location on a rhumb line with the given starting location, rhumb azimuth, and arc distance along the line.

To compute the arcDistance (in radians) from a distance in meters, divide the distance in meters by the radius of the globe.


void swap(
    LatLon & other

Swaps the LatLon with another one.



static const double EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS;

Earth equatorial radius in meters (6378137.0 m, derived from WGS-84 ellipsoid)


static const double EARTH_MEAN_RADIUS;

Earth mean radius according to IUGG in meters (6371009 m)


static const double EARTH_POLAR_RADIUS;

Earth polar radius in meters (6356752.3 m, derived from WGS-84 ellipsoid)

ZERO static

static const LatLon ZERO;

Zero LatLon (for Earth, the crossing of equator and Greenwich meridian)

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