Library IoT/BtLE

Package Generated


Classes: IPeripheral, IPeripheralBrowser, IPeripheralManager, PeripheralBrowserEventDispatcher, PeripheralBrowserRemoteObject, PeripheralBrowserServerHelper, PeripheralBrowserSkeleton, PeripheralEventDispatcher, PeripheralManagerRemoteObject, PeripheralManagerServerHelper, PeripheralManagerSkeleton, PeripheralRemoteObject, PeripheralServerHelper, PeripheralSkeleton


class IPeripheral

This class provides a high-level interface to a Bt LE peripheral device using the Bt Generic Attribute Profile (GATT). 

class IPeripheralBrowser

This class provides browsing (scanning) for available Bt LE devices. 

class IPeripheralManager

This class manages Peripheral objects in the service registry. 

class PeripheralBrowserEventDispatcher

This class provides browsing (scanning) for available Bt LE devices. 

class PeripheralBrowserRemoteObject

This class provides browsing (scanning) for available Bt LE devices. 

class PeripheralBrowserServerHelper

This class provides browsing (scanning) for available Bt LE devices. 

class PeripheralBrowserSkeleton

This class provides browsing (scanning) for available Bt LE devices. 

class PeripheralEventDispatcher

This class provides a high-level interface to a Bt LE peripheral device using the Bt Generic Attribute Profile (GATT). 

class PeripheralManagerRemoteObject

This class manages Peripheral objects in the service registry. 

class PeripheralManagerServerHelper

This class manages Peripheral objects in the service registry. 

class PeripheralManagerSkeleton

This class manages Peripheral objects in the service registry. 

class PeripheralRemoteObject

This class provides a high-level interface to a Bt LE peripheral device using the Bt Generic Attribute Profile (GATT). 

class PeripheralServerHelper

This class provides a high-level interface to a Bt LE peripheral device using the Bt Generic Attribute Profile (GATT). 

class PeripheralSkeleton

This class provides a high-level interface to a Bt LE peripheral device using the Bt Generic Attribute Profile (GATT). 

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