Devices and Datapoints Programming Guide


Communicating with sensors and other devices is a core feature of EDGE. EDGE comes with a set of pre-defined service interfaces for various sensor and device types. This means that sensors of a certain type, like temperature sensors or accelerometers, always have the same programming interface, no matter how they are actually implemented.

In addition to the device-specific interfaces, EDGE also provides generic Datapoint interfaces. These are similar to the device interfaces, but have a more general scope, including the possibility to both read and write a datapoint's value.

Datapoints typically represent the result of sensor measurements, or data obtained from monitoring processes.

The main difference between a Datapoint and a Sensor is that a Sensor is typically an interface to a specific device (i.e., a temperature sensor or a certain type), whereas a Datapoint holds a value that has been acquired from another device (via a network or bus system), or computed from other data points.

Optionally, devices and datapoints can be organized hierarchically, in a tree structure.

The pre-defined sensor and device interfaces in EDGE are:

The datapoint interfaces in EDGE are:

Every sensor, device or datapoint in EDGE is an OSP service implementing one of these C++ interfaces.

Simple sensors, like temperature or humidity sensors that only provide a single value, are based on the IoT::Devices::Sensor interface. There are also more specific interfaces for sensors like accelerometers, GPIOs or GPS/GNSS receivers. EDGE comes with a number of device implementations (e.g., XBee Sensor, Bosch CISS, SensorTag, Simulation), which mostly should be seen as example implementations to help you write your own implementation in C++. Please see the C++ Device Implementation Guide for how to do this.

Similarly, you can also build your own datapoint implementations based on the existing interfaces. However, EDGE also comes with default implementations for all datapoint interfaces, which are suitable for a wide range of scenarios.

Datapoints vs. Devices and Sensors - When to Use Which

Devices and Sensors are typically used to provide an API to a specific device, e.g. an accelerometer integrated into the device (SBC, gateway, etc.) running EDGE. There will be an implementation of the device interface that communicates with the actual hardware device via a communication interface like SPI, I2C or USB, using a device-specific communication protocol.

Datapoints are typically used if multiple sensor devices are connected via some kind of bus system (e.g., Modbus or CANopen), or for representing data that can not be directly attributed to a specific sensor device, e.g., process data received from a PLC. There is typically a software module written in C++ or JavaScript that polls devices (or accepts notifications from the devices) for value changes, and then updates the respective data points with the received values.

Configuring Sensors and Devices

The configuration of a sensor or device is specific to the respective device. Configuration settings for the device implementations that come with EDGE are shown in the following.

GNSS Sensor (NMEA)

To configure a GNSS (GPS) device connected via a serial port using the NMEA protocol, the following settings in the EDGE configuration can be provided:

  • gnss.nmea.device: The path to the serial port device (or USB virtual serial port) the GNSS receiver is connected to, e.g. /dev/tty.nmea. Must be specified in order to make the device available.
  • gnss.nmea.params: The serial port communication parameters, typically "8N1". The parameters argument must be a three character string. The first character specifies the serial line character width in bits (5, 6, 7 or 8). The second char specifies the parity (N for none, E for even, O for odd) and the third character specifies the number of stop bits (1 or 2). Example: "8N1" for 8 bit characters, no parity, 1 stop bit.
  • gnss.nmea.speed: The speed of the serial port in bits per second, e.g., 4800.

Example configuration:

gnss.nmea.device = /dev/tty.nmea
gnss.nmea.speed = 19200

GNSS Simulation (GPX File)

To configure a simulated GNSS receiver, based on a series of positions provided through a GPX (GPS Exchange Format) file, the following settings must be provided:

  • simulation.enable: Set to true to enable simulated sensors, or to false to disable.
  • simulation.gnss.enable: Set to true to enable the GNSS simulation device, or to false to disable. Note that simulation.enable must also be set to true to enable the GNSS simulation device.
  • simulation.gnss.gpxPath: The path to the GPX file containing the positions.
  • simulation.gnss.loopReplay: Set to true (default) to loop through the positions in the GPX file, or to false to replay the positions only once.
  • simulation.gnss.speedUp: Provide a factor to speed-up playback of the positions in the GPX file. Defaults to 1.0.

Example configuration:

simulation.enable = true
simulation.gnss.enable = true
simulation.gnss.gpxPath = /etc/gnss/positions.gpx
simulation.gnss.loopReplay = true
simulation.gnss.speedUp = 2

Simulated Sensor

To configure a simualated generic sensor (e.g., a temperature sensor), the following settings can be provided:

  • simulation.enable: Set to true to enable simulated sensors, or to false to disable.
  • simulation.sensors.<id>.enable: Set to true (default) to enable the specific simulated sensor, or to false to disable.
  • simulation.sensors.<id>.physicalQuantity: Specify the physical quantity measured by the sensor, e.g. "temperature". Defaults to none.
  • simulation.sensors.<id>.physicalUnit: Specify the physical unit the sensor data is reported in. This should use the "c/s" symbols from the Unified Code for Units of Measure, e.g. Cel for Degrees Celsius.
  • simulation.sensors.<id>.initialValue: Specify the initial value for the sensor. Defaults to 0.0.
  • simulation.sensors.<id>.mode: Specify the way the value is updated. linear means that a fixed value is added to the value every cycle. random means that a random value in a given range of positive and negative numbers is added to the value every cycle.
  • simulation.sensors.<id>.delta: For mode linear, this is the value that is added to the current value every cycle. For random, this is the range (+/-) of a random value added to the current value every cycle.
  • simulation.sensors.<id>.cycles: The number of simulation cycles after which the value will be reset to the initial value.
  • simulation.sensors.<id>.updateRate: The rate of updating the sensor's value, in updates per second. Can be set to 0 to disable updates (the value will be fixed to the initial value).

The <id> that is part of the configuration setting name becomes part of the service name and can be used to find the simulated sensor.

Example configuration for a simulated temperature sensor:

simulation.sensors.temperature.physicalQuantity = temperature
simulation.sensors.temperature.physicalUnit = Cel
simulation.sensors.temperature.initialValue = 22 = 0.2
simulation.sensors.temperature.cycles = 100
simulation.sensors.temperature.updateRate = 0.1
simulation.sensors.temperature.mode = random

The simulated sensor configured with the settings above will start with an initial value of 22 degrees Celsius, and will update every 10 seconds (update rate 0.1) by adding a random value in the interval (-0.2; +0.2).

Configuring Datapoints

Datapoints have to be created and configured programmatically, either from JavaScript or C++. The IoT::Datapoints::DatapointFactory service is used to create datapoints. The DatapointFactory interface offers methods for creating instances of the different datapoint classes, as well as IoT::Devices::Composite instances. The factory can be obtained via the service registry. It is registered under the fixed name io.macchina.datapoint-factory.

Creating Datapoints in C++

Here is a C++ code example for creating an IoT::Devices::ScalarDatapoint instance (implemented by IoT::Datapoints::ScalarDatapointImpl).

auto pFactoryRef = pBundleContext->registry().findByName("io.macchina.datapoint-factory"s);
if (!pFactoryRef) throw Poco::NotFoundException("DatapointFactory");

auto pFactory = pFactoryRef->castedInstance<IoT::Datapoints::DatapointFactory>();
IoT::Datapoints::ScalarDatapointParams params; = "Temperature 1";
params.physicalQuantity = "temperature";
params.physicalUnit = "Cel";
const auto datapointId = pFactory->createScalar(params);

The created datapoint instance can then be obtained from the service registry, via the returned datapointId.

auto pDatapointRef = pBundleContext->registry().findByName(datapointId);
auto pDatapoint = pDatapointRef->instance();

Creating Datapoints in JavaScript

For JavaScript, a simplified API is available the makes creating datapoints a bit more convenient. The JavaScript code corresponding to the above C++ code would be:

const datapoints = require('bndl://io.macchina.datapoints/datapoints.js');

const datapointRef = datapoints.createScalar({
    name: 'Temperature 1',
    physicalQuantity: 'temperature',
    physicalUnit: datapoints.physicalUnits.DEGREES_CELSIUS

Creating a Single Datapoint

There are create*() methods for all defined datapoint classes.

Furthermore, there is a generic createDatapoint() method, taking a datapoint definition object containing type, params and optional tags properties.

The type property specifies the datapoint class:

  • bool
  • counter
  • enum
  • flags
  • movingAverage
  • scalar
  • string
  • vector
  • composite

The params property contains the parameters object for the specific datapoint class.

Common parameters that can be specified for any datapoint are defined in IoT::Datapoints::BasicDatapointParams. The specific parameters for the different datapoint classes are defined in their own structures:

Finally, tags can be used to define additional service properties attached to the datapoint.

const datapoints = require('bndl://io.macchina.datapoints/datapoints.js');

const datapointRef = datapoints.createDatapoint({
    type: 'scalar',
    params: {
        name: 'Temperature 1',
        physicalQuantity: 'temperature',
        physicalUnit: 'Cel'
    tags: {
      'io.macchina.modbus.mapping': 'address=1000,type=int16,scale=10,offset=0,access=ro'

Creating Multiple Datapoints

The createDatapoints() method creates multiple datapoints, including an entire tree hierarchy containing Composite objects.

const datapoints = require('bndl://io.macchina.datapoints/datapoints.js');

    type: 'composite',
    params: {
        name: 'Temperatures',
        composite: 'io.macchina.composite.root'
    fragments: [
            type: 'scalar',
            params: {
                name: 'Temperature 1',
                physicalQuantity: 'temperature',
                physicalUnit: 'Cel'
            type: 'scalar',
            params: {
                name: 'Temperature 2',
                physicalQuantity: 'temperature',
                physicalUnit: 'Cel'

The above code will create a IoT::Devices::Composite object named "Temperatures" containing two IoT::Devices::ScalarDatapoint objects named "Temperature 1" and "Temperature 2".

Considerations When Creating Datapoints

When creating datapoints in a script, care must be taken that:

  1. The datapoints are only created once.
  2. The datapoints are ready before other scripts use them.

A good approach to creating datapoint that satisfies both conditions is to create them in a script run through the script scheduler, using the @start schedule.

A bundle containing the script to create the datapoints would therefore contain two files:

  • extensions.xml - defining the extension point to run the script
  • datapoints.js - the actual script to build the datapoints

The extensions.xml would make use of the com.appinf.osp.js.schedule extension point to run the script synchronously when the bundle is started.

  <extension point="com.appinf.osp.js.schedule" script="datapoints.js" schedule="@start"/>

Any other bundle requiring the datapoints can the declare a dependency on the bundle defining the datapoints. The dependency can be declared directly, on the bundle name, or indirectly, via a module.

Removing Datapoints

It's possible to remove datapoints. This can be done by using the remove() method of IoT::Datapoints::DatapointFactory. In JavaScript, the datapoints.js module also provides remove() method, which takes either the service reference (ServiceRef) of a datapoint, or the datapoint's ID.

Finding Devices and Datapoints

Devices and Datapoints, like any other services in EDGE, can be found via the service registry, by their ID or properties. In addition, devices and services that are part of a hierarchy (and that are direct and indirect fragments of the root Composite instance) can be found via the IoT::Devices::DeviceTree service.

Service Properties

Devices have a number of standard service properties that can be used to query the service registry.

Generic Properties

The following service properties are exposed by all devices.

  • io.macchina.device: This property contains the symbolic name of the implementation of the specific device.
  • io.macchina.deviceType: This property contains teh symbolic name of the device type or class. This can be used to determine the specific interface the device exposes.
  • io.macchina.composite: The ID of the IoT::Devices::Composite device containing this device. Only available if the device is a fragment of a composite device.
  • io.macchina.nodeName: The node name of the device within the device hierarchy. For a datapoint, this is the name specified in the parameters when creating the datapoint.

Datapoint Properties

Datapoints expose the io.macchina.datapoint service property, which by convention is set to the same value as io.macchina.device, but can be used to locate datapoints in the service registry.

Sensor and ScalarDatapoint Properties

Devices implementing the IoT::Devices::Sensor or IoT::Devices::ScalarDatapoint interface should also expose the io.macchina.physicalQuantity service property, giving the physical quantity measured by the sensor.

ServiceRegistry Queries for Devices and Datapoints

If the name or ID of a specific device or datapoint is known, the service instance can be found by it.

const sensorRef = serviceRegistry.findByName('io.macchina.simulation.sensor#0');
if (sensorRef)
    const sensor = sensorRef.instance();
    const value = sensor.value();

Sensors and scalar datapoints can also be found via their physical quantity:

const temperatureRefs = serviceRegistry.find('io.macchina.physicalQuantity == "temperature"');
if (temperatureRefs.length > 0)
    const temperatureSensor = temperatureRefs[0].instance();
    const temperature = temperatureSensor.value();

In C++, a distinction has to be made between a Sensor and a ScalarDatapoint, as both define the io.macchina.datapoint property.

auto sensorRefs = pContext->registry().find("io.macchina.physicalQuantity == \"temperature\"");
if (sensorRefs.size() > 0)
    if (sensorRefs[0].properties().has("io.macchina.datapoint"s))
        IoT::Devices::IScalarDatapoint::Ptr pScalar = pSensorRef->castedInstance<IoT::Devices::IScalarDatapoint>();
        double value = pScalar->value();
        IoT::Devices::ISensor::Ptr pSensor = pSensorRef->castedInstance<IoT::Devices::ISensor>();
        double value = pSensor->value();

Alternatively, it's possible to extend the query for a specific type.

To get datapoints only:

auto datapointRefs = pContext->registry().find("io.macchina.datapoint && io.macchina.physicalQuantity == \"temperature\"");

Or, alternatively:

auto datapointRefs = pContext->registry().find("io.macchina.deviceType == \"io.macchina.datapoint.scalar\" && io.macchina.physicalQuantity == \"temperature\"");

To get sensors only:

auto sensorRefs = pContext->registry().find("io.macchina.deviceType == \"io.macchina.sensor\" && io.macchina.physicalQuantity == \"temperature\"");

The same queries can of course be made from JavaScript as well:

const temperatureRefs = serviceRegistry.find('io.macchina.deviceType == "io.macchina.sensor" && io.macchina.physicalQuantity == "temperature"');

The DeviceTree Service

The IoT::Devices::DeviceTree service can be used to navigate a device hierarchy built with IoT::Devices::Composite devices. The service is always registered under the fixed ID io.macchina.deviceTree. The device hierarchy always starts with the root node. The root node has the fixed service ID io.macchina.composite.root.

Note that it is possible to create devices and datapoints outside of the hierarchy. These devices will not be addressable via the DeviceTree service.

To locate a specific device or datapoint in the device tree, its path is used. The path is a concatenation of node names, separated by slashes (/). This is very similar to how paths in the filesystem work. Given the device hierarchy built with the JavaScript sample code earlier in this document, the device tree looks like this:

/ (root)
  + Temperatures
    + Temperature 1
    + Temperature 2

To address Temperature 2, the path would be /Temperatures/Temperature 2.

The JavaScript code for looking up a device by its path looks like:

const deviceTree = serviceRegistry.findByName('io.macchina.deviceTree').instance();
const node = deviceTree.deviceByPath('/Temperatures/Temperature 2');

The deviceByPath() method returns an IoT::Devices::DeviceNode structure. If no device with the given path exists, a Poco::NotFoundException will be thrown.

Alternatively, there is also the findDeviceByPath() method, which will return undefined if the path is not found.

The id member of DeviceNode can be used to obtain the respective device service object from the service registry.

The parent member contains the ID of the parent device object, which is always a IoT::Devices::Composite object.

The name member contains the local name of the device (e.g., Temperature 2) and the type member contains the device type (like the io.macchina.deviceType service property).

If the device type is io.macchina.composite, there's also a fragments member, which provides the IDs of all fragment devices.

Following is a complete sample for looking up a sensor by its path.

const deviceTree = serviceRegistry.findByName('io.macchina.deviceTree').instance();
const node = deviceTree.deviceByPath('/Temperatures/Temperature 2');
const sensor = serviceRegistry.findByName(;
const value = sensor.value();

The datapoints helper module also contains a byPath() method, which, instead of the device node information, directly returns a service reference for the node.

const datapoints = require('bndl://io.macchina.datapoints/datapoints.js');

const sensor = datapoints.byPath(/Temperatures/Temperature 2').instance();
const value = sensor.value();

The byPath() method will throw an exception if the device does not exist. There is also the findByPath() method, which will return undefined instead of throwing an exception if the device with the given path cannot be found.

Device Events

Most device and datapoint interfaces provide event notifications about changes to the value, and other state changes. Whether a specific implementation supports these events as well is up to the implementation. Please refer to the device and datapoint interfaces for supported events, and check with the implementations for what is actually supported.

For example, the Sensor and ScalarDatapoint interfaces support the valueChanged event, which is triggered whenever the value changes.

The following JavaScript example shows how to handle the valueChanged event.

const temperatureRefs = serviceRegistry.find('io.macchina.deviceType == "io.macchina.sensor" && io.macchina.physicalQuantity == "temperature"');
if (temperatureRefs.length > 0)
    var temperature = temperatureRefs[0].instance();
    temperature.on('valueChanged', ev => {
      console.log('Temperatue changed: %f',;

Important: When subscribing to an event, make sure that the object that provides the event is protected from the JavaScript garbage collector. This is typically done by storing the object in a global variable. Subscribing to an event on an object stored in a local variable (in a function or block) declared with let or const will typically work for some time, until the garbage collector decides to remove the object. After this, no further events will be delivered.

In C++, the code looks as follows:

auto sensorRefs = pContext->registry().find("io.macchina.deviceType == \"io.macchina.sensor\" && io.macchina.physicalQuantity == \"temperature\"");
if (sensorRefs.size() > 0)
    IoT::Devices::ISensor::Ptr pSensor = pSensorRef->castedInstance<IoT::Devices::ISensor>();
    pSensor->valueChanged += Poco::delegate(onValueChanged);
    // ...

onValueChanged has to be a function with the following signature:

void onValueChanged(const double& value)
    std::cout << "valueChanged: " << value << std::endl;

Note that there are different variants of the Poco::delegate() function that also allow to pass A pointer to a member function to handle the event. Please see the HelloSensor3 sample and the C++ Programming Guide for more information.

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