
class DatapointSkeleton

File Information

Library: IoT/Devices
Package: Generated
Header: IoT/Devices/DatapointSkeleton.h


The base class for datapoints. Datapoints typically represent the result of sensor measurements, or data obtained from monitoring processes.

The main difference between a Datapoint and a Sensor is that a Sensor is typically an interface to a specific device (i.e., a temperature sensor), whereas a Datapoint holds a value that has been acquired from another device (via a network or bus system) or computed from other data points.

In addition to the methods defined in this interface, a Sensor implementation should expose the following properties:

  • displayValue (string, optional): The current value of the datapoint, formatted as string for display purposes.
  • updated (timestamp, optional): The point in time when the datapoint's value was last updated.
  • access (string, optional): Access permissions ("rw" - read/write, "ro" - read-only, "wo" - write-only).

Subclasses of Datapoint implement specific value types.


Direct Base Classes: Poco::RemotingNG::Skeleton

All Base Classes: Poco::RefCountedObject, Poco::RemotingNG::AttributedObject, Poco::RemotingNG::Skeleton

Member Summary

Member Functions: remoting__typeId

Inherited Functions: addMethodHandler, clearAttributes, countAttributes, duplicate, enumerateAttributes, getAttribute, hasAttribute, invoke, operator =, referenceCount, release, removeAttribute, setAttribute




Creates a DatapointSkeleton.


~DatapointSkeleton virtual

virtual ~DatapointSkeleton();

Destroys a DatapointSkeleton.

Member Functions

remoting__typeId virtual inline

virtual const Poco::RemotingNG::Identifiable::TypeId & remoting__typeId() const;



static const std::string DEFAULT_NS;

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