
Internet of Things, edge computing, IoT device software, C++

Introducing The New Secure Cloud-Based Remote Access for The Internet of Things

We have just released a new and much improved version of, along with a completely new website. is cloud-ready service providing secure remote access to embedded devices and intelligent systems via HTTP(S) or other TCP-based protocols. With, any network-connected device running the connector software can be securely accessed remotely over the […]

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The Lesser Known Feature: OSP Extension Bundles

Release 2010.1 of the Open Service Platform introduced the concept of “Extension Bundles”. This allows a bundle to declare in its manifest that it extends another bundle (Extends-Bundle header in manifest; <extends> element in bundle specification file). When an extension bundle has been loaded, its properties (from and localized variants) will overlay all properties of […]


Where to Put The OSP CodeCache Directory

One of the questions that comes up frequently when installing an OSP-based application on an end-user system is where to put the OSP codeCache. The codeCache is a directory where the OSP framework puts all shared libraries contained in bundles, so that the operating system can find and load them. The OSP framework itself does […]
