
Internet of Things, edge computing, IoT device software, C++

Machine Learning in Manufacturing – The Power of AI

Machine Learning in Manufacturing

This use case for machine learning in manufacturing proves that implementing AI in production will dramatically improve factory operations, reduce lead times, and eliminate delays.

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The Role of IoT, Edge Computing and AI in Industry Evolution

Fusion of IoT, edge computing and AI

In this article, we delve into the fusion of IoT, edge computing and AI, highlighting their collaborative capabilities across multiple industries. From real-time analytics to predictive maintenance, these technologies are moving beyond mere buzzwords to serve as enablers of innovation and efficiency.

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Secure Remote Access for Smart Infrastructure: A Case Study for Telephony Systems

Secure Remote Access for Smart Infrastructure - Infographic Shows IOT Remote Access to PBX Systems

Secure remote access to PBX systems (telephony) is complex. You need to protect your data, devices, network and allow all users remote and secure access.

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Remote Access to IoT: A Case Study for Telephony Systems

Remote Access To IoT PBX for Service Partners REMOTE enabled AGFEO service partners hassle free remote access to phone systems. Secure and always accessible.

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Secure IoT Access Anywhere: A Case Study for Telephony Systems

Remote Access To IoT PBX for End Users - Secure IoT Access Anywhere

Securely access your IoT devices from anywhere. REMOTE provides a plug-and-play solution for remote IoT device access.

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How to Evaluate Products for Secure IoT Remote Access?

How to Evaluate Products for Secure IoT Remote Access

Save valuable time and money when evaluating secure IoT remote access products! Read our 4-step guide and get your FREE Excel solution evaluation checklist.

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Video: Using the REMOTE Command-Line Clients for SSH, SCP and SFTP

This video gives a quick demonstration how to use the REMOTE command-line client tools for remote SSH, SCP and SFTP access to a device via REMOTE. These tools are available for Windows, macOS and Linux. REMOTE provides secure remote access via web (HTTP), shell (SSH), file transfer (SFTP), remote desktop (VNC, RDP) […]

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Video: Getting Started with REMOTE – SSH into a remote Raspberry Pi behind a NAT router

This video guides you through the first steps with REMOTE. REMOTE provides secure remote access via web (HTTP), shell (SSH), file transfer (SFTP), remote desktop (VNC, RDP) and other protocols to IoT devices behind routers or firewalls. No port forwarding, scarce public IPv4 addresses, or complex and inflexible VPNs required. In this video, […]

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How to Provide Secure Remote Access to IoT Edge Devices

Remote access for IoT devices through NAT and Firewalls

Secure remote access to IoT edge devices is one of the fundamental building blocks of the Internet of Things. End users want to access and manage their devices via web or mobile app, service partners need access to devices installed at remote locations, and product sup-port teams need to be able to log-in to devices installed at customer sites.

Tagged , , , , , REMOTE Delivers Remote Access for Service Partners and End Users

Remote access for VoIP PBX systems

Telephony and communication systems AGFEO, founded 1947 in Bielefeld, Germany, is a leading European manufacturer of telephony and communication systems for small to medium-sized offices and companies. These systems consist of a central unit, called a Private Branch Exchange (PBX), and the actual phones which are connected to the PBX. Modern PBX systems use a […]

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