
Internet of Things, edge computing, IoT device software, C++

IoT Business Models and Business Ideas

IoT Business ideas and business models

We have collected a list of some of the best IoT business models that we have seen hitting the market over the last few years.


Two-Factor Authentication in Remote Manager

Today we’re releasing version 2.4.0 of Remote Manager. The most important feature in this release is support for two-factor authentication using time-based one-time passwords (TOTPs), such as supported by apps like Google Authenticator or Authy.  If enabled in the global application configuration, a user can set up two-factor authentication in their account page in […]

Tagged Remote Manager 2.0

It’s hard to believe, but this year Remote Manager already turns 10 years old. Of course, the current version of Remote Manager has not much in common with its early humble beginnings (back then called, except for the basic product idea: providing secure, hassle-free remote access to IoT devices via web and other […]

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Setting Up the Remote Manager Server on AWS Remote Manager provides secure remote access to connected devices – for end users, service providers and support teams. Setting up your own Remote Manager server on Amazon AWS is now easier than ever. We now provide a pre-configured AMI (Amazon Machine Image) which has everything required to run the Remote Manager server preinstalled and […]

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Connecting a Smart Streetlamp to ThingSpeak with

At the place where our office is located there’s also a “smart city” research project going on, including a cool autonomous shuttle and a couple of “smart” street lamps. These lamps contain environmental sensors, as well as other gadgets like a display and cameras. The idea was to get the sensor data – temperature, humidity, […]

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Remote Access: The Pros and Cons of Virtual Private Networking

Secure remote access to IoT edge devices is one of the fundamental requirements of the Internet of Things. IoT devices are often located in places that cannot be reached easily by support technicians, such as remote locations or factory floors with access restrictions. Nevertheless, it must be possible for support staff and other authorized staff […]

Tagged , , , , , on the IoT Landscape 2018

We are proud to announce that, our IoT device software platform for edge devices and gateways, has made it onto the 2018 edition of the IoT Landscape by FirstMark Capital. Created by Matt Turck, this chart shows the most significant players in the IoT space. can be found quite in the center of […]

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Implementing REST APIs in C++ with POCOPRO Remoting

Starting with the 2016.1 release of the POCOPRO frameworks a new feature has been added to the Remoting NG toolkit that makes it easy to implement RESTful web services in C++. Remoting NG is a distributed objects and web services framework for C++, based on annotated C++ class definitions and a code generator. Remoting NG […]


How to access and control your Thing remotely – and securely.

Linux-based single-board computers like the Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, RED Brick, UDOO, Galileo or Cubieboard are very popular choices in the Maker scene for building all kinds of devices needing plenty of computing power and internet connectivity – the Things in the so-called Internet of Things. And not just in the Maker scene – these low-cost, […]
